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Three days after this diplomatic conference between the uncle and nephew, the latter, returning hurriedly in a post-chaise, informed his aunt, the very night of his arrival, of the dangers the family were running if they persisted in supporting that "fool of a Birotteau." The baron had detained Monsieur de Bourbonne as the old gentleman was taking his hat and cane after the usual rubber of whist.

I did warn you sufficiently, but you would not understand me, and I did not choose to compromise myself." "What must we do now?" said the baron. The abandonment of Birotteau was not even made a question; it was a first condition tactily accepted by the three deliberators. "To beat a retreat with the honors of war has always been the triumph of the ablest generals," replied Monsieur de Bourbonne.

By the advice of Madame de Listomere and most of her friends, who were now eagerly enlisted in a matter which threw such excitement into their vapid provincial lives, a servant was sent to bring back Monsieur Caron. The lawyer returned with surprising celerity, which alarmed no one but Monsieur de Bourbonne.

I sent word to the King that the Marquis refused to assist his generous projects; he answered me: "Very well, we must look somewhere else." Happily, this domestic humiliation did not transpire at Bourbonne; for M. de la Bruyere had arrived there with Monsieur le Prince, and that model satirist would unfailingly have made merry over it at my expense.

Hasn't she any soul? Octave is a fool to have given up such an estate as Villaines for a " Monsieur de Bourbonne belonged to the species Fossil, and used the language of the days of yore. "But suppose he had lost it at play?" "Then, madame, he would at least have had the pleasure of gambling." "And do you think he has had no pleasure here? See! look at Madame Firmiani."

In my time the women of the court were cleverer at ruining a man than the courtesans of to-day; but this one I recognized her! it is a bit of the last century." "Uncle," said Octave, with a manner that was tender and grave, "you are totally mistaken. Madame Firmiani deserves your esteem, and all the adoration the world gives her." "Youth, youth! always the same!" cried Monsieur de Bourbonne.

'The Abbe Birotteau, he said, 'is a man to whom the Abbe Chapeloud was absolutely necessary, and since the death of that venerable man, he has shown' and then came suggestions, calumnies! you understand?" "Troubert will be made vicar-general," said Monsieur de Bourbonne, sententiously.

He was succeeded by Harcourt, who was himself in weak health. Thus one cripple replaced another. One began, the other ended, at Bourbonne. Douai, Saint-Venant, and Aire fell into the hands of the enemy during this 'campaign, who thus gained upon us more and more, while we did little or nothing. This was the last campaign in Flanders of the Duke of Marlborough.

The other pleasing circumstance was a visit I received from Madam de Verdelin with her daughter, with whom she had been at the baths of Bourbonne, whence they came to Motiers and stayed with me two or three days.

Birotteau, Abbe Francois The Lily of the Valley Cesar Birotteau Bourbonne, De Madame Firmiani Listomere, Baronne de Cesar Birotteau The Muse of the Department Troubert, Abbe Hyacinthe The Member for Arcis Villenoix, Pauline Salomon de Louis Lambert A Seaside Tragedy Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley To Monsieur Charles Nodier, member of the French Academy, etc.