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George who was surprised at first, began to clap his hands merrily, and blowing out his cheeks, he gave a great boum with all the strength of his lungs, to imitate the noise of the door banging.

Crac, and behold an aurora borealis, behold a revolution, behold a great man; '93 in big letters, Napoleon on guard, the comet of 1811 at the head of the poster. Ah! what a beautiful blue theatre all studded with unexpected flashes! Boum! Boum! extraordinary show! Raise your eyes, boobies. Everything is in disorder, the star as well as the drama. Good God, it is too much and not enough.

In the stillness of the garden, amid the balmy peacefulness of these mountains, a loud noise suddenly startles us; a unique, powerful, terrible sound, which is prolonged in infinite metallic vibrations. It begins again, sounding more appalling: 'Boum! borne to us by the rising wind. "Nippon Kane!" exclaims Chrysantheme and she again takes up her brightly feathered arrows.

One of The Times correspondents mentions that the German guns have a heavy sound "boum," and the French a sharper one, "bing"; but neither of them is very pleasant to the ear, and it requires a cultured military taste like that of the French to enjoy the full harmony of the music when the British "bang" is added to the general cannonading.

"True, true; I'd forgotten that! piff, piff boum, boum! A right and left, and only one hand! If any man can do better, I'll go hang myself. Come! now you're safely mounted! Before we start, just give a glance at your work. It isn't civil to leave one's company without saying good-bye." Orso spurred his horse.

"I believe the fellow is friendly to us, but I can't quite make him out," said Cochrane to Belmont. "Do you think that he means that his name is Tippy Tilly, and that he killed Hicks Pasha?" The negro showed his great white teeth at hearing his own words coming back to him. "Aiwa!" said he. "Tippy Tilly Bimbashi Mormer Boum!" "By Jove, I've got it!" cried Belmont. "He's trying to speak English.

As early as the end of the fourth or beginning of the fifth century we find a poem by Severus Sanctus Endelechius, variously entitled 'Carmen bucolicum de virtute signi crucis domini' or 'de mortibus boum. It is a hymn to the saint cross, and in it for the first time the pastoral suffered violence from the tyranny of the religious idea.

"I remember hearing that name." "Ah, I shall make you know him. He is a man of distinction; he did sit in your Chamber of Deputies what you call it? yes, your Con-gress. He is funny, eccentric always he roar like a lion Boum! but so simple, so good, a man of such fine heart so lovable!" "I'll be glad to meet him," said Mellin coldly.

What a magnificent plaything it was, and how well calculated to excite their imagination! It was immediately transformed in their minds into a frightfully large and ferocious bear, which they chased through the apartment, lying in wait for it behind armchairs, striking at it with sticks, and puffing out their little cheeks with all their might to say "Boum!" imitating the report of a gun.

In the stillness of the garden, amid the balmy peacefulness of these mountains, a loud noise suddenly startles us; a unique, powerful, terrible sound, which is prolonged in infinite metallic vibrations. It begins again, sounding more appalling: 'Boum! borne to us by the rising wind. "Nippon Kane!" exclaims Chrysantheme and she again takes up her brightly feathered arrows.