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"'That this portrait is for Monsieur Gonin, or anybody else at Fontainebleau. "Mademoiselle Charnot drew back in surprise. "'For whom, then? "'An actress. "'Take care what you are saying, Madame. "'For Mademoiselle Tigra of the Bouffes. "'Lies! cried Dufilleul. 'Prove it, Madame; prove your story, please! "'Look at the back, answered Madame Plumet, quietly.

"I have seen the famous portrait: a miniature of the newly created baron, in fresh butter, I think, done cheap by some poor girl who gains her living by coloring photographs. It is intended for Mademoiselle Tigra of the Bouffes. A delicate attention from Dufilleul, isn't it?

First with one collaborator and then with another he had also worked at little plays for the vaudeville and theatres of a lower order, and even for the Bouffes Parisiens; but he was ashamed of these productions and always knew how to evade talking about this sphere of activity.

He was certainly not alone, for Nana perceived the little woman from the Bouffes with the untidy tow hair and the gimlet-hole eyes, standing enjoying herself in her shift among the furniture she had paid for. But Fontan stepped out on the landing. He looked terrible, and he spread out and crooked his great fingers as if they were pincers. "Hook it or I'll strangle you!"

"Shall we be honoured by your presence to-night at the Bouffes?" asked the gentleman. "No!" replied Madame Ewans, and pushed the two children forward with the tip of her sunshade. Stepping out gaily, they soon arrive under the chestnuts of the Tuileries, cross the bridge, then down the river-bank, over the shaky gangway, and so on to the steamer pontoon.

At four o'clock dear Moina drives in the Bois. In the evening dear Moina goes to a ball or to the Bouffes. Still, it is certainly true that Mme. d'Aiglemont has the privilege of seeing her dear daughter while she dresses, and again at dinner, if dear Moina happens to dine with her mother.

By the written confession he would, through his princely friend, be able to extort money without limit. "Of what is he in fear?" asked the prince eagerly. "Of arrest for the murder of a young French girl, Elise Allain, who had been singing at the Bouffes in Moscow," Rasputin replied.

It was in regard to this very tittle that De Maupassant had a disagreement with Audran and Boucheron director of the Bouffes Parisiens in October, 1890 They had given this title to an operetta about to be played at the Bouffes. The former soldier, Mederic Rompel, familiarly called Mederic by the country folks, left the post office of Roily-le-Tors at the usual hour.

"I have suspected as much since yesterday; I met her at the Salon, and saw a young man with her." "Fair?" "Yes." "Tall?" "Rather." "Good-looking?" "H'm well" "Dufilleul, old chap, friend Dufilleul. Don't you know Dufilleul?" "No." "Oh, yes you do a bit of a stockjobber, great at ecarte, studied law in our year, and is always to be seen at the Opera with little Tigra of the Bouffes." "Poor girl!"

The slightest trace of the powder will result in death from a cause which it will be impossible for the doctors to identify. " A young dancer at the Bouffes named Nada Tsourikoff, living in the Garnovskaya, will call upon you for the tube marked No. 2. She is a close friend of General Korniloff, and is about to join him at headquarters at our orders.