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Here also it was that the gallant Sergeant Bosley, his arm and his leg stricken off by a Boer shell, cried to his comrades to roll his body off the trail and go on working the gun. At the same time as or rather earlier than the onslaught upon Caesar's Camp a similar attack had been made with secrecy and determination upon the western end of the position called Waggon Hill.

I suddenly felt as if I had been intimate with him and his wife for about ten years. 'So this is Bursley! I murmured, taking my mouth out of a towel. 'Bosley, we call it, he said. 'Do you know the limerick "There was a young woman of Bosley"? 'No. He intoned the local limerick. It was excellently good; not meet for a mixed company, but a genuine delight to the true amateur.

When they do that regular for a month, I give 'em twopence apiece for their children. If they do it regular for a year, I mak' 'em a present of a wik's rent at Christmas. It's cheaper nor rent-collectors." "What a good idea!" she said, impressed. "But how do you carry the money about?" "I bank i' Bosley, and I bank i' Turnhill, too.

"It's incredible to me how you can do it all in a day and a half," she pursued. "Why, how many houses are there?" "Near two hundred and forty i' Bosley," he responded. "Hast forgotten th' sugar this time, lass?" "And in Turnhill?" she said, passing the sugar. "I think I'll have that piece of bacon if you don't want it." "Over a hundred," said he. "A hundred and twenty."

"It's that feller Bosley what came with the rest uv the boys. I know that gray comfort what's tied 'roun' his neck, an' the 'coonskin cap what's on his head. He jest crawled behind that little twisted pine up thar, an' took a pot shot at some uv us down here." "I wish I could reach him," said Shepard. "Ef you could I wouldn't let you," said the mountaineer grimly. "Why?" "'Cause he's my meat.

And just listen to the language the man used. I will say this for Emanuel Prockter I never heard him swear." "No," said James. "He wears gloves. He even wears 'em when he takes his bath of a November afternoon." "I don't care who knows it," Helen observed, hotly, "I like Emanuel Prockter." "There's nobody as dunna' know it," said James. "It's the talk of Bosley as you've set your cap at him."

"Don't they call Bursley 'Bosley' down there 'owd Bosley'?" Edward Henry dealt suitably with these remarks, and then gave her a judicious version of the nature of his business, referring several times to Mr. Rollo Wrissell. "Mr. Wrissell!" she murmured, smiling. "In the end I told Mr. Wrissell to go and bury himself," said Edward Henry. "And that's about as far as I've got."

Bosley, both of that village, growing out of some trivial matter at a card party. After some words, Bosley threw a glass at Peake, which was followed up by other acts of violence, and in the quarrel Peake stabbed Bosley, several times with a dirk, in consequence of which, Bosley died the following morning. The court of inquiry considered Peake justifiable, and discharged him from arrest."

'And what's going on nowadays in old Bosley, Miss Myatt? he asked expansively, trying to drop his American accent and use the dialect. 'Eh, bless us! exclaimed Hannah, startled. 'Nothing ever happens here, Mr. Arthur. He felt that nothing did happen there. 'Same here as elsewhere, said Meshach. 'People living, and getting childer to worry 'em, and dying. Nothing'll cure 'em of it seemingly.

It would have been amusing to see anyone even the Countess of Chell, who patronized the entire district attempt to patronize Dan. In his time he had been the greatest pigeon-fancier in the country. 'So you're paying a visit to Bursley, uncle? said Maud. 'Aye! Dan replied. 'I'm back i' owd Bosley. Sarah my housekeeper, thou know'st 'Not dead? 'No. Rat Edge'll see nowt o' me this side Easter.