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"You done your best and it can't be helped, I only wish't I'd let you wear your black hat as you wanted to; and I wish't we'd never come such a day! The shawl has broke the stems of the velvet geraniums in my bonnet, and the wind has blowed away my shawl pin and my back comb. I'd like to give up and turn right back this minute, but I don't like to borrer Perkins's hoss again this month.

"Everybody that's got plates, take 'em out," added Martha, the administrative, catching the infection and going a step beyond. "Why, we can borrer every stitch we want," said Lydia Vesey. "Borrer of the dead an' borrer of the livin'. I know every rag o' clo'es that's been made in this town, last thirty years.

Just you put on your coat an' 'at as fast as ever you can, and borrer Tom Wood's barrer, and run down to Waterloo, and fetch up them two portmanteaus, will you?

What is the good of another woman's baby or husband or frying-pan, that is, if it was equally a thing you couldn't borrer? And if you was blind, what pleasure would you get out of some one else seein' the blue sky, or warnin' that there was a snake there to be trod on, an' that's what it's been like with the elector's rights." "Well, but what difference does that bit of paper make to you now?

"We'll be on Tower Hill just afore nine and keep 'im out o' mischief, any way," ses Peter. Ginger nodded. "And be called names for our pains," he ses. "I've a good mind to let 'im be robbed." "It 'ud serve 'im right," ses Peter, "on'y then he'd want to borrer off of us. Look here! Why not why not rob 'im ourselves?" "Wot?" ses Ginger, starting. "Walk up behind 'im and rob 'im," ses Peter.

To borrer a man's own gun yes, and cartridges, too to kill that man's own cat with! Of all the solid brass! He never told me 'twas our cat. All he wanted to know was could he borrer your gun and somethin' to load it with. If I'd known " His employer interrupted him. "WHAT?" he roared. "Do you mean to say that Ab Bacheldor came here and borrowed MY gun to to do what he done with?"

Bacheldor had appeared at the door with the request that he might "borrer the loan of Cap'n Gould's shotgun." The day before, at a quarter after four Mr.

"But Mrs Willis may object to such a dirty ragged fellow coming about her," said I. "Ain't there no pumps in London, stoopid?" said Slidder, with a look of pity, "no soap?" "True," I replied, with a laugh, "but you'd require needles and thread and cloth, in addition, to make yourself respectable." "Nothink of the sort; I can beg or borrer or steal coats and pants, you know."

The boy flinched, but only for a moment. "I kin borrer the money," he said stoutly. "But you can't git a license you ain't a man." "I ain't!" cried the boy hotly; "I GOT to be!" "Come in hyeh, Jason," said the old man, for it was time to leave off evasion, and he led the lad into the house while Mavis, with the old woman's arm around her, waited in the porch. Jason came out baffled and pale.

'E'll just borrer the hand-barrer from the livery in the mews, sir, and wheel it round 'isself, in 'arf an hour, and make nothink of it. Just you give me the ticket, and set you right down there, and I'll make you and the lady a cup of tea at once, and John'll bring round the luggage by the time you've got your things off. Ernest looked at Edie, and Edie looked at Ernest.