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"Borrachsohn and a whole push of women, and an old bird with a beard, are waitin' for you in the boys' yard," he whispered with great empressement. "I sent them there," he explained, "because they wouldn't fit anywhere else. There's about a hundred of them." Mr. Borrachsohn's opening remark showed that the force of Isaac's speech was hereditary.

Borrachsohn brush away a tear of joy, and felt Isaac's soft and damp little palm placed within her own by the hand of his royal sire, saw the jetted capes, the flounced skirts, and befeathered hats follow the blue and brass buttons of the janitor, the broadcloth of the Assemblyman and the alpaca of the Rabbi, heard the door close with a triumphant bang, saw the beaming face of the returning janitor, and heard his speech of congratulation: "I heard it all; I was afraid to leave you alone with them.

"Thank you, Morris," she said simply. "And so it was bad?" "Fierce." "Very well; I shall ask some other boy to tell him that I shall wash out his mouth." "Well," Morris began as before, "I guess you don't know 'bout Isaac Borrachsohn. You dassent to wash out his mouth, 'cause his grandpa's a Rabbi." "I know he is. Is that any reason for Isaac's swearing?"

"Well," said Morris, and breathed hard, "I guess you don't know 'bout Isaac Borrachsohn." Miss Bailey fell away into helpless laughter. "That would not be your fault, honey, even if it were true," she said. "But what has he been doing since I saw you?" "It's his papa," answered Morris. "His papa's got p'rades." "He has what?" "P'rades." "And are they very bad? I never heard of them."

"Teacher, Missis Bailey," he began, "I tells you 'scuse." "Well, dear, what is it?" asked Miss Bailey with divided interest, as she adjusted a very large hat with the guidance of a very small looking-glass. "What do you want?" Again Morris hesitated. "I guess," he faltered; "I guess you don't know 'bout Isaac Borrachsohn." "What has happened to him? Is he hurt?" "It's his papa.

And why not, pray?" "Well," and Morris's tone, though apologetic, was self-righteous, "I guess you don't know about Ikey Borrachsohn." "I know he said two very bad things. Of course, I did not understand the Jewish part. What did he say? Did you know?" "Sure did I, on'y I wouldn't to tell it out. It ain't fer you. It ain't no fer-ladies word." Miss Bailey patted her small knight's hand.

Almost daily some member of the band would confess a fall from grace and solvency, and almost daily Isaac Borrachsohn was called upon to descant anew upon the glories of the Central Park. Becky, the chaperon, was the most desultory collector of the party.

He is a good boy; he will swear no more." "Very well," was Teacher's ungracious acquiescence; "I shall try him again. And if he should swear " "You will not wash out his mouth " "I shall, and this time I shall use hot water and sapolio and washing soda." Mr. Borrachsohn smiled blandly and turned to explain this dictum to his clan.

"You are mistaken," said he. "Mr. Borrachsohn gained his point and you most gracefully capitulated." "I," cried Teacher; "I yield to that horrid man! Never! I said I should use soda and sapolio " "Precisely," the Principal acquiesced. "And both soda and sapolio are kosher lawful, clean.

Miss Bailey's commands were not lightly disregarded, and Patrick Brennan spent the ensuing week in vain endeavour to reconcile himself to a condition of things in which he, the first born of the policeman on the beat, and therefore by right of heredity a person of importance in the realm, should tamely submit to usurpation and insult on the part of this mushroom sprig of moneyed aristocracy, this sissy kid in velvet pants, this long-haired dummy of an Isaac Borrachsohn.