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The fact that beech-leaves are very slow to rot makes them useful in the garden for mulching and protecting plants from frost. Mr. Loudon tells us that the word "book" comes from the German word buch, which, in the first instance, means a beech, and was applied to books because the old German bookbinders used beech-wood instead of paste-board for the sides of thick volumes.

Numerous instances of the combination of several trades are to be found in the records of every town, as for instance the "company of goldsmiths and smiths and others their brethren," at Hull in 1598, which consisted of goldsmiths, smiths, pewterers, plumbers and glaziers, painters, cutlers, musicians, stationers and bookbinders, and basket-makers.

Solemn masters at grants gages were employed to translate the most notable books from Latin into French; scribes and bookbinders of the university were exempted from the watch.

The goldsmiths and jewellers in Berlin are too inconsiderable a body to have a Herberge of their own, and therefore we crowd in with the turners, the carpenters, and the smiths; the glove-makers, bookbinders, and others who claim the hospitalities of the asylum in the Schuster-gasse. Let us take a sketch or two among them that may serve as a sample of the whole.

"So their wages are proportionally lower," said Jane. "Just so," said the publisher; "and quite right they should be so." "Of course; but do they not rise from stitching to bookbinding?" "Ah! that is man's work. I have bookbinders on the premises, to finish the work that the girls have begun." "And they spend their lives in this stitching no progress no improvement mere mechanical drudgery."

He trembled, shaking with rage and disappointment. Massiban bent forward. "It is true there are the ends of two pages left, like bookbinders' guards. The marks seem pretty fresh. They've not been cut, but torn out torn out with violence. Look, all the pages at the end of the book have been rumpled." "But who can have done it? Who?" moaned Isidore, wringing his hands. "A servant? An accomplice?"

Servais is among gilders as Thouvenin among bookbinders an artist among craftsmen, making his work a labor of love. Every window in that gallery was protected by iron-barred shutters.

As he was passing on his way home from the works, trying to make himself as small as possible among the bookbinders in their long working-blouses like nightgowns busy merry young women whose hungry eyes stripped him as he passed, how eagerly he would scamper away to Rainette's window!

Moreover, there was always about us in our halls no small assemblage of antiquaries, scribes, bookbinders, correctors, illuminators, and, generally, of all such persons as were qualified to labour advantageously in the service of books. "To conclude.

In the first years of Hull-House we came across no trades-unions among the women workers, and I think, perhaps, that only one union, composed solely of women, was to be found in Chicago then that of the bookbinders. I easily recall the evening when the president of this pioneer organization accepted an invitation to take dinner at Hull-House.