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The real source of misgovernment the active cause of corruption is to be found, not in the slums, not in the population ordinarily regarded as ignorant and vicious, but in the selfishness and greed of those who are the recognized leaders in commercial and industrial affairs. It is this class that, as Lincoln Steffens says, may be found "buying boodlers in St.

TO-NIGHT MONDAY, DEC. 12 =========================== and every Monday night thereafter while the Street-car Franchises are under consideration, and see that the interests of the city are protected against BOODLEISM ========= Citizens, Arouse and Defeat the Boodlers! In the papers were flaring head-lines; in the clubs, halls, and churches fiery speeches could nightly be heard.

I have spent ten thousand dollars in lobbying that measure through, and charged it all to improvements' on the Bulletin. Sounds like I had joined the ranks of the 'boodlers, don't it? Well, I don't give a cooky for ethics so long as I know I'm right. I'd have been a simp, as Biff Bates calls it, to go among that crowd of hungry law jugglers with kind words and the ten commandments.

What a tangle," Frank ruminated. "How will they straighten it out?" "Remove the Mayor if they can convict him of felony." "Suppose they do. What then?" "The prosecution forces can then use their power over the boodlers force them to appoint a Mayor who's to Langdon's liking. Afterward they'll force the Supervisors to resign and the new Mayor will put decent people in their stead."

It's the only graft of its kind on earth. I'll put you wise. You remember the old top-liner in the copy book "Honesty is the Best Policy"? That's it. I'm working honesty for a graft. I'm the only honest man in the republic. The government knows it; the people know it; the boodlers know it; the foreign investors know it. I make the government keep its faith. If a man is promised a job he gets it.

With this stamp of public approval, the boodlers became bolder and great scandals followed, involving many members of Congress and even some members of the cabinet, but not the President himself, of whose personal honesty there was never any doubt, and in 1873, came the worst panic the country had ever experienced.

The "stuff" was there, all of it, though the mass had been cut into quarters, three parts of it stowed in tea-flails, the fourth still reeved up in the hammock netting. "We've got it!" he cried to Moran, who had followed him. "We've got it, Moran! Over $100,000. We're rich rich as boodlers, you and I. Oh, it was worth fighting for, after all, wasn't it?

Madeira patted Steering's shoulder again and laughed again, pleased at his aptness in figuring the thing out. "He's just exactly right," said the girl, nodding at Steering. "Over here the average man needs a guardian to keep him out of the clutches of the 'boodlers. I almost hate to see this sort of excitement come into Canaan.

Though they do not hesitate to condemn the boodlers who prey upon their cities, though they deplore the corrupt practices of their elections, they count all these abuses as but spots upon a brilliant sun. A knowledge of his country's political dishonesty does not depress the true patriot.

Here was Ruef between two bodeful dates. Yesterday had come the news that Langdon had appointed Heney the relentless enemy of boodlers to a place of power. Tomorrow would begin the impaneling of a Grand Jury, whose avowed purpose it was to "investigate municipal graft." "What would I do if I were Ruef?" Frank asked himself. But no answer came.