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Bonnell was skeptical, but it was a case of "needs must when the de'il drives," and Juno Daphne came as substitute cook. Then Mrs. Bonnell's trials began. One morning girl after girl left her fried smelts untasted though ordinarily they were a rare delicacy in that part of the world. Mrs. Bonnell investigated. What was the trouble? Had Juno prepared them properly? "Yas'm I did.

Nevertheless, she repaired to the gym and ignoring Mrs. Bonnell's assurance that no girls were missing proceeded to call the roll. Of course all responded.

Bonnell had bearded the lioness in her den and striven to remonstrate with her, which had drawn upon her devoted head such a storm of resentment that she had then and there tendered her resignation also. At that point Miss Woodhull, realizing how entirely dependent she was upon Mrs. Bonnell's perfect management of Leslie Manor had actually apologized and begged Mrs. Bonnell to remain.

Their physical and personal welfare were safe in Mrs. Bonnell's hands and the instruction was thorough and excellent. But in the wise development of character, in the trustful, happy confidence which girlhood should know, in the harmony which is girlhood's right, or the harmless frolicing, and healthful bodily development from spontaneous activities, they were sadly lacking.

Bonnell's influence," Eloise was saying. "What does mother mean? She knows my mind is made up as to Christian Science. What is she afraid of?" Bonnell caught his thumbs in his coat pockets and lifted himself slightly on his toes. "She is afraid of me." "Of you?" The girl lifted surprised eyes to his and let them fall again, her grave face coloring. "She has always been more or less afraid of me.

Bonnell's half-amused, half-serious eyes, for she began to suspect that some sort of innocent prank had been played which, like many another would have harmlessly played itself out if let alone.

This matter shall be sifted to the very bottom. No, you will all remain in this room and immediately unmask under Mrs. Bonnell's eyes. I shall superintend the search," and Miss Woodhull sailed majestically from the room. "We're in for it," whispered Tweedle-dee to Tweedle-dum, as the two comical figures drew unobtrusively into the rear of the group of girls now removing their masks under Mrs.

Eloise's smile annoyed her mother. "Weren't you with me the day Nat Bonnell's mother said so much about it?" "How foolish she was not to try it," said Eloise. "Such a hopeless, monotonous invalid." "Well, some of her friends worked hard enough to induce her to, but when she found out the mercenary side of it, she saw at once that it couldn't be trustworthy."

The spread was absolutely unrumpled. In short, not one single thing was out of place or tumbled. The room might not have been occupied for twenty-four hours so far as any sign of disturbance was evident. Miss Stetson looked just a trifle skeptical. Mrs. Bonnell's lips twitched a bit at the corners though her face was most respectfully sober.

"Do you study the lessons?" she asked incredulously. "You?" "Every day. I am surprised beyond measure to find you interested, for your mother told me And the doctor ?" "Is a very fine man," returned Eloise gravely, as he paused. Bonnell's mental questions were answered by her manner. He put his hand in the pocket of his sack coat and drew out a small, thin, black book. Eloise took it.