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"Now then, my lads," cried the gunner, "what I propose is that we try and find our landmarks, and as soon as we have hit the place where Master Leigh left us we'll all hail as loud as we can, and then wait for an answer." Tom Tully growled out something in reply, it was impossible to say what, and leaving one man to act as boatkeeper, they all set off together along the shore.

His shoes were fastened with bits of tarred rope; he was wearing a red flannel shirt with bone buttons which the boatkeeper on the pilot boat had given him, tied at the neck with a purple handkerchief of pongee silk; his hair was long, and a week's growth of beard was upon his lip and cheeks. "That's a fact," he answered grimly. "I do look queer. I was in a wreck down the coast," he added hastily.

"Ay, and as soon as you please," called out the malicious boatkeeper of the gig "I seed a large shark but a minute ago." "Quick quick!" roared the surgeon, who already imagined his leg encircled by the teeth of the ravenous animal.

"There he is," said Billy Waters. "Come, my lads, look alive, or we shall have the skipper firing away more o' my powder. I wish him and Jack Brown would let my guns alone. Now then, Jim Tanner, where away?" "Ahoy!" came again in a faint voice, and stumbling on through the darkness, they came at last upon the boatkeeper, tied neck and heels, and lying in the sand.

The Scarboro carried crew enough to put out six boats at a time and still leave a boatkeeper and cook aboard. The gun forward in the Scarboro's bows, however, was there for a purpose, too, as I found out on the first day we sighted a whale. The man in the crowsnest suddenly hailed the deck, when Mr.

Some of his countrymen having prevented his doing it that instant, time was given to acquaint our commander with the transaction, who immediately ran upon deck. At this minute, the Indian had directed his bow to the boatkeeper; but upon being called to by Captain Cook, he pointed it at him. Happily, the captain had a musket in his hand loaded with small shot, and gave him the contents.

Such of the passengers as could get about breakfasted as best they could in the cabin with the boatkeeper and four of the pilots. Here they were informed as to what was to be done with them. The schooner would not go in for two weeks, and it was out of the question to keep the castaways on board for that length of time.

For a long time Vandover watched the boy turning the spokes back and forth, his eyes alternating between the binocle and the horizon. In the evening about half-past ten, the lookout in the crow's nest sang out: "Smoke oh!" sounding upon his fish horn. The boatkeeper ran aft and lit a huge calcium flare, holding it so as to illuminate the big number on the mainsail.

Leaving only a boatkeeper in the barge, the Mexican officer, followed by his crew, sprang up the ladder, and bounding on deck, struck his drawn sword on the capstan, and announced the Zanthe as his prize. "To whom shall I have the honor of surrendering?" asked Captain Morris, touching his hat.

The schooner was put under try sails, "a three-reefed mitten with the thumb brailed up," as he heard the boatkeeper call it. This latter was at the wheel for a moment, but in a little while he called up a young man dressed in a suit of oilskins and a pea jacket and gave him the charge.