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It might be worth your while to give a 'int to the young gents as you're in with eh? Godwin was endeavouring to masticate a piece of toast, but it turned to sawdust upon his palate. Of a sudden, when the bilious gloom of his countenance foretold anything but mirth, he burst into hard laughter. Andrew smote him jovially on the back. 'Tickles you, eh, bo-oy? "Peak's Refreshment an' Dinin' Rooms!"

'You had better come to my lodgings with me, uncle, said the young man hurriedly, moving forward. 'No, no; I won't be no expense to you, Godwin, bo-oy. And I 'ave a reason for wantin' to go to the little shop opposyte. Already several collegians had passed, giving Peak a nod and scanning his companion; a moment's delay and Chilvers would be upon him.

Stend up, Jowey, bo-oy. Godwin looked askance at his cousin, who stood with pert face, ready for any test. 'What's the date of William the Conqueror? he asked, mechanically. 'Ow! shouted the youth. 'Down't mike me larff! Zif I didn't know thet! Tensixsixtenightysivn, of course!

They descended. As soon as his nephew appeared, Andrew sprang up, and shouted joyfully: 'Well, Godwin, bo-oy! It's all settled! Got the bloomin' shop from next quarter dye! "Peak's Dinin' and Refreshment Rooms!" Jowey an' me was over there all yisterday wasn't us, Jowey? Oh, it's immense! Godwin felt the blood buzz in his ears, and a hot choking clutch at his throat.

They couldn't give me a bed, but that didn't mike no matter; I put up at the Norfolk Harms five-an-six for bed an' breakfast. Come along, my bo-oy; I stand treat. Godwin glanced about him. From the College was approaching what seemed to be a formal procession; it consisted of Bruno Chilvers, supported on either hand by ladies and followed by an admiring train.

'Shan't I, jest! It'll take a month to refit them eatin' rooms. I'm agoin' to do it proper up to Dick! and I want your 'elp, my bo-oy. You an' me 'II jest write a bit of a circular see? to send round to the big pots of the Collige, an' all the parents of the young fellers as we can get the addresses of see?

'I told you you'd 'ev the pleasure of seem' me again before so very long. Godwin at 'ome with you, I s'pose? Thet you, Noll? 'Ow do, my bo-oy? 'Ere's yer cousin Jowey. Shike 'ands, Jowey bo-oy! Sorry I couldn't bring my old lady over this time, Grace; she sends her respects, as usual. 'Ow's Charlotte? Bloomin', I 'ope? He had made his way into the front parlour, dragging the youngster after him.

"You be damned for your theory of irregular verbs!" is nothing to it. And he uttered his croak of mirth, whilst Peak, with distorted features, laughed in rage and scorn. 'Thet you, Godwin? Thoughts I, it must be 'im! 'Ow goes it, my bo-oy? You 'ardly reckonise me, I dessay, and I couldn't be sure as it was you till I'd 'ed a good squint at yer.

Godwin, though his passions were of exceptional force, must needs refine, debate with himself points of abstract justice. 'I've been tellin' Jowey, Grace, as I 'ope he may turn out such another as Godwin 'ere. 'E'll go to Collige, will Jowey. Godwin, jest arst the bo-oy a question or two, will you? 'E ain't been doin' bad at 'is school. Jest put 'im through 'is pyces, as yer may sye.

Having deposited his handbag and umbrella on the sofa, he seated himself in the easy-chair, and began to blow his nose with vigour. 'Set down, Jowey; set down, bo-oy! Down't be afride of your awnt. 'Oi ain't afride! cried the youth, in a tone which supported his assertion. Mrs. Peak trembled with annoyance and indecision.