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Then she came up, and they hauled the painter in and gaffed me over the rail. "You blankety blank fool!" roared Clancy, as soon as I stood up "don't you know any better? A fine thing we'd have to be telegraphing home, wouldn't it? Are you all right now?" "All right," I said, and felt pretty cheap.

He's nothing but a blankety blank sissy like the rest of the sky pilots!" "But can't I believe like you do, Grandma? I'm just the unhappiest guy in the world!" "You mean," the old lady spoke deliberately, "that this is the first funeral you've seen that's set you to thinking and the fear of death is on you for the first time. I hope it'll do you good, Doug. You're an awful rough little devil."

Her husband, being already on his feet, could not rise but he broke off short the opening sentence of his "few words" and stared and listened. Each Welfare Worker stared and listened also. "Git up, you blankety blank blank," repeated Ves Young, with cheerful enthusiasm. Mr. Mullen, from the top of the load of lumber, caroled dreamily on: "'Here's to the good old rum, Drink 'er daown!

So rumour had it; and to unsophisticated Paul rumour was gospel truth. With all these unexperienced joys before him, what cared he for the blankety little blanks who gibed at him? If you imagine that little Paul Kegworthy formulated his thoughts as would the angel choir-boy in the pictures, you are mistaken. The baby language of Bludston would petrify the foc'sle of a tramp, steamer.

'Aunty Nomyun or Uncle Nomyun, replied Abe, boiling hot, 'my mother was a Methodist, and I'll back any blanked Methodist against any blankety blank long-faced, lantern-jawed, skinflint Presbyterian, and this he was eager to maintain to any man's satisfaction if he would step outside.

But if you can forget, and if you can let us enjoy ourselves for an afternoon in a blankety blank decent and God-fearing way God love you." And Queen Bess sat down. We ate and drank and laughed till seven o'clock that evening.

On and on he went, until at a far corner he suddenly pulled himself up sharply, turned on his heel, and with all speed walked back to the English firm, a shrewd smile playing about his hard old mouth. Throwing open the door of the office, he walked abruptly in, saying as he did so, in an unmistakable Yankee drawl, "Blankety blank blank it! I knew I could speak English.

He began as soon as ever he got to Jawleyford Court at least, as soon as he had paid his respects all round and got himself partially thawed at the fire; for the cold had struck through his person, his fine clothes being a poor substitute for his thick double-milled red coat, blankety waistcoat, and Jersey shirt.

But as soon as the canoe was turned, and scudding with frightened swoops down the waves in pursuit of the fleeing bateau, he saw, and understood. "Confound you, Chris McKeen, if 'tain't nothin' but a blankety blank woodchuck!" he shouted, making as if to back water and try to turn the canoe again. Chris's grey eyes hardened.

If I say to you Wodget or Crump, you find yourself passing over the fact that these are nothings, these are, so to speak, mere blankety blanks, and trying to think what sort of thing a Wodget or a Crump may be. And where this disposition has come in, in its most alluring guise, is in the case of negative terms.