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I brought them all with me to thank and bless him. We were within a hundred yards of the house belonging to the black-gowns " "Ali, the black-gowns!" said Dagobert, with a gloomy air. "Then some mischief will happen. I know them." "You are not mistaken, father," answered Agricola, with a sigh. "I was running on with my comrades, when I saw a carriage coming towards us.

The young chief, Owato Wanisha, hath proposed a new path to our tribe; he is young, but he has received his wisdom from the Black-gowns, who, of all men, are the most wise. I have heard, as our elders and ancient chiefs have also heard, the means by which he thinks we can succeed; we have fasted, we have prayed to the Master of Life to show unto us the path which we must follow.

Oh! these black-gowns are implacable, and their power is great!" said Adrienne, shuddering. "It is fearful, lady." "But do not be alarmed, dear child; you see, that the arms of the wicked have turned against themselves; for the moment I knew the cause of your flight, you became dearer to me than ever.

What you have to do is very simple, and, by the blessing of heaven, this operation will save the life of our dear Father Rodin." The three black-gowns cast up their eyes piously, and then bowed altogether, like one man. Rodin, indifferent to what was passing around him, never ceased an instant to write or reflect.

'Father, said M. Hardy to him, 'have the goodness to see M. Baudoin to the door. So saying, he waved his hand to me in token of farewell, and retired to the next chamber. All was over; he is lost to us forever." "Yes," said Dagobert, "those black-gowns have enchanted him, like so many others." "In despair," resumed Agricola, "I returned hither with M. Dupont.

"Oh, the black-gowns!" said Dagobert, shuddering, and unable to conceal a vague sense of fear. "The longer I live, the more I am afraid of them. You have seen what those people did to your poor mother; you see what they have just done to M. Hardy; you know their plots against my two poor orphans, and against that generous young lady. Oh, these people are very powerful!

The young chief, Owato Wanisha, hath proposed a new path to our tribe; he is young, but he has received his wisdom from the Black-gowns, who, of all men, are the most wise. I have heard, as our elders and ancient chiefs have also heard, the means by which he thinks we can succeed: we have fasted, we have prayed to the Master of Life to show unto us the path which we must follow.

"Oh, the black-gowns!" said Dagobert, shuddering, and unable to conceal a vague sense of fear. "The longer I live, the more I am afraid of them. You have seen what those people did to your poor mother; you see what they have just done to M. Hardy; you know their plots against my two poor orphans, and against that generous young lady. Oh, these people are very powerful!

The marshal was reproached with cowardice for not taking vengeance on this priest, the persecutor of his wife and children, the insolent mocker at his misfortunes." "And from whom do you suspect these letters to come, father?" "I cannot tell it is that which turns one's brain. They must come from the enemies of the marshal, and he has no enemies but the black-gowns."

Florine's confessions unveiled to me the new plots of the enemies of my scattered family, dispersed by sorrows and cruel losses; it was my duty to warn them of their danger, and to unite them against the common enemy. I had been the victim of odious manoeuvres: it was my duty to punish their authors, for fear that, encouraged by impunity, these black-gowns should make other victims.