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Birbante-Rocca has resounded with the renown of my arms; may this renown spread far and wide in Poland also!” He concluded, and proudly smote his sword hilt.

Thus did I in Italy, when beneath the crag that the Sicilians call Birbante-Rocca I overcame a camp of brigands; the armed I slew, those that laid down their weapons I captured and had bound: they walked behind the steeds and adorned my glorious triumph; then they were hanged at the foot of Etna.”

The romance is entitled, The Count; or, The Mysteries of the Castle of Birbante-Rocca. Are there dungeons in this castle?” “There are immense beer-cellars,” said the Warden, “but empty, for the Soplicas have drunk up the wine!” “We must arm the jockeys on the estate,” added the Count, “and summon the vassals from the village.” “Lackeys?

I have a grudge of longer standing against the Captain; he has broken into my castle”—“Please say our castle,” interrupted Protazy—“at the head of a band of robbers,” the Count concluded. “He—I recognised Rykovtied up my jockeys; I will punish him as I punished the brigands beneath the crag that the Sicilians call Birbante-Rocca.”