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Lopez would declare to him, and up to this very time persevered in protesting, that salvation was to be found in Bios. If Sexty would only risk two or three thousand pounds more upon Bios, or his credit to that amount, failing the immediate money, things might still be right. "Bios be d ," said Sexty, uttering a string of heavy imprecations.

Bios evidently required a great deal of advertisement, and Lizzie Eustace had a short-sighted objection to expend what money she had saved on the hoardings of London. Then he opened to her the glories of Guatemala, not contenting himself with describing the certainty of the 20 per cent., but enlarging on the luxurious happiness of life in a country so golden, so green, so gorgeous, and so grand.

I broke the seal with delight: "Sir, You will report, with fifty men, to Major Blossom, at 4 a.m. to-morrow. "By order, " "Captain Haller, commanding Co. Rifle Rangers." "Old Bios, eh? Quartermaster scouting, I hope," said Clayley, looking over the contents of the note. "Anything but the trenches; I am sick of them."

"No; certainly not," said Lopez, seating himself beside her. "I have not taken the other half share, but I have kept my old venture in the scheme. I believe in Bios, you know." "Ah; it is so nice to believe." "But I believe more firmly in the country to which I am going." "You are going then?" "Yes, my friend; I am going. The allurements are too strong to be resisted.

The public no doubt does read the literature of the hoardings, but then it reads so slowly! This Bios had hardly been twelve months on the boards as yet! But they were now increasing the size of the letters in the advertisements and the jocundity of the pictures, and the thing might be done.

"No," said Lizzie, slowly, "I don't suppose I should object to that." "I should be doubly eager about the affair if I were in partnership with you." "It's such a venture." "Nothing venture nothing have." "But I've got something as it is, Mr. Lopez, and I don't want to lose it all." "There's no chance of that if you join us." "You think Bios is so sure!" "Quite safe," said Lopez.

The lusty boy and youth, the mature man with not a perfect, yet a sound, physical organization, showed a good specimen of the human animal, rich in the breath of life, psyché. The long and varied career of farmer, surveyor, citizen, Christian interested in his fellows and their welfare, with varied work, travel, and adventure, manifested the noble bios, the career or course of strenuous endeavor.

See what has been declared very lately in that point by that learned, wise, courteous, humane and just civilian, Andrew Tiraqueau, one of the judges in the most honourable court of Parliament at Paris. Health is our life, as Ariphron the Sicyonian wisely has it; without health life is not life, it is not living life: abios bios, bios abiotos.

Never enough, Cuerpo de Bios! Never enough! Like their good friend who helped them in their iniquities, the Juez O'Brien, who had been getting rich for years on the sublime generosity of her Excellency's blessed father. In the greatness of his nobility, Don Balthasar of holy memory had every right to be obstinate.... Basta!

"What am I to get to show for my money; I mean immediately, you know?" "Registered shares in the Company." "The Bios Company?" "No; we did propose to call ourselves Parker and Co., limited. I think we shall change the name. They will probably use my name. Lopez and Co., limited." "But it's all for Bios?" "Oh yes; all for Bios." "And it's to come from Central Africa?"