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"'My friend, said he at last, 'I suppose you will be suspecting me; yet I give you my word and the Hadji Hamid is no liar that if Aoodya is a Berbalang, or a daughter of Berbalangs, the same was unknown to me when I married you. "'I'll believe that, I answered; 'the more by token that I never suspected you.

Aoodya and my child never rose again; but the Berbalang came to the surface at once and floated, bobbing for a while on the ripple, his head thrown back, his brown chest shining up at me, and the blood spreading on the water around it. "It was Hamid who unpinned me and led me away. He had made shift to climb down, and while binding up my wounded hand pointed towards the beach. It was empty.

Therefore she cannot be pure Berbalang, and most likely the Berbalangs have no more than a fetch upon her' he used a word new to me, but 'fetch' I took to be the meaning of it. 'If so, we must go to them and persuade them to take it off.

'Thank you for that, old cock, replied the peer, shaking Merton's hand. He had recovered from his emotion. 'I'm on, he added, after a moment's silence, 'but I shall enter as Jones Harvey. 'His name and his celebrated papers will impress the trustees, said Merton. 'Now what variety of nature shall you go for? Wild men count. Shall you fetch a Berbalang of what do you call it? Bude shuddered.

It might look like curried fish, but would, as likely as not, be human flesh disguised, the taste of which would destroy my soul and convert me into a Berbalang; a touch of the lime juice would turn such food back to its proper shape and show me what I was being asked to eat. "We now moved forward again, very cautiously, and soon came to the village.

For as the Berbalang fell, the bough seemed to rip away from where his cheek had rested, and Aoodya, with my child in her arms, swung back under my feet and dropped like a stone into the lake. "I can't tell you, sir, how long I lay stretched out along that trunk, with the Berbalang's knife still pinned through my hand. I was staring down into the water.