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'I've given up trying to be a hermit, said Jim. 'There was nothing in it. 'Begor, I'm that glad! said Phil, and he certainly looked radiant. 'But you're th' changed man, Done. I hardly knew you wid th' amiable shmile. Have things been goin' rare an' good? 'They have, Ryan. I'm a made man. Jim meant the expression to be taken in a spiritual rather than a pecuniary sense.

He's the man for you, Paddy! Wake up now, and look stupid. Am I not telling you?" "Begor!" said Paddy dejectedly, "I feel like the greatest omadhaun in all the west country, and if that is not being stupid enough for your honour I can do no better." "Shame to you, Paddy, to let an Englishman beat you so easily," said I. "Take that grin off your face, you scoundrel!

"You're out for a sail again today, Miss?" he said. "Well, it's fine weather for the likes of you." "At the present moment," said Priscilla, "we're stuck and can't get out." "Do you tell me that now? And what's the matter with you?" "The anchor rope is foul of the centreboard and we can't get either the one or the other of them to move." "Begor!" said Joseph Antony.

"And it's to make a hunther of her ye'd do?" said the publican, pulling hard at the knot of the tow-rope. "Begor', I know that one. If there was forty men and their wives, and they after her wid sticks, she wouldn't lep a sod o' turf. Well, safe home, sir, safe home, and mind out she wouldn't kick ye. She's a cross thief," and with this valediction Dinny Johnny went on his way.

Begor, while he was spakin' he seen the hape o' guineas in the middle of the flure growing littler and littler every minit; and at last they wor disappearing, for all the world like corn in the hopper of a mill.

"Oh! begor' he is," replied Old Rody, "and the other's a regular kitchen-maid." Near the close of a not at all reputable career Old Rody "found it most convenient" to marry his housemaid. He survived the ceremony only a few months. His widow, disappointed in her expectations of wealth for the estate cut up very badly, indeed emigrated to Australia, where, I believe, she soon married again.

"Begor, then, it looks to be a wide house," said Felix, confining himself to the picture as a comprehensible point. "It's apt to be an oncommon fine place, sir, I should suppose." "You may say that, me man," said Mr. Polymathers, emphatically. "Not its match in the kingdom of Ireland. The home of literature and the haunt of science. And it's there I'll be, plase God, next October."

"An' begor, yez'll play it wid only sky borders and wings, iv I'm goin' to get left," yelled the stage carpenter. "Murphy, run off thim flats." By this time poor Fogg was nearly out of his mind.

"Begor, Miss Fanny, she's as crabbed as a mule!" said her teacher approvingly. "D'ye mind the way she soaks the hind legs up into her! We'll give her a bank now." At the bank, however, the trouble began. Despite the ministrations of Mr. Alexander and a long whip, despite the precept and example of Mr.

The birds were untouched, but the horse ridden by, Miss McIntosh was severely peppered and began to plunge violently. In the course of a severe reproof for his carelessness, Larry was asked by Guy Barber: "Now, supposing you had blinded or otherwise badly injured Miss McIntosh, what would you have done?" "Oh! begor," replied Larry, "I suppose I'd have had to marry, her." Poor Larry O'Toole!