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His face was slightly flushed, but the flush might have been due to the fact that he had been busily engaged in tying up the thongs of his bed-roll, an awkward job at times. "Sure thing," agreed the M. O. heartily. "Indeed it's absolutely essential, and say, old chap, you might tell her how I enjoyed my coffee. She will be glad to hear about me."

Their rifles, which, kept dry in their cases, had been placed under the edge of their blankets as they slept, were now leaned against the bed-rolls. Their knapsacks, in which each boy had his personal belongings, such as brushes, combs, underwear and spare socks, were very quickly made ready, and placed in order each with its owner's bed-roll.

Bartley could hear the peculiar thumping sound of hobbled horses moving about on the mesa. Cheyenne returned to the fire, picked up his bed-roll, and marched off into the bushes. Bartley wondered why he should take the trouble to move his bed-roll such a distance from the water-hole. "Pack your saddle and blanket over, when you feel like turnin' in," said Cheyenne.

He said he had no intention of coming after me; and as he was very much crippled with rheumatism, I did not believe he would do so. Accordingly I took the little mare, with nothing but some flour, bacon, and tea, and my bed-roll, and started off. At the blasted pine I looked round, and as I could see him in camp, I left his rifle there.

"And speaking of material for a story " Then he smiled. Somewhere out on the mesa Cheyenne had spread his bed-roll and was no doubt sleeping peacefully. Bartley shook his head. He had been in Antelope but two days and yet it seemed that months had passed since he had stepped from the westbound train to telegraph to his friend in California. Incidentally, he decided to purchase an automatic pistol.

Jesse, leaning back against his bed-roll, looked a little serious. "Boys," said he, "I don't like the looks of this. This water sounds dangerous to me, and you can't tell me but what these mountains are pretty steep." "Pshaw! It's just a little creek," scoffed John.

As if by magic, fires flared out upon the shingle, and in an incredibly short time the girl found herself seated upon her bed-roll inside her mosquito-barred tent of balloon silk. The older woman had revived and lay, a dejected heap, upon her blankets, and out in front Big Lena was stooping over a fire.

Barry heaved his bed-roll at the doctor and departed. At the R. A. M. C. Hospital the Officer Commanding, to whom he had sent in his card, gave him a cordial greeting. "I am glad to know you, sir. We have quite a lot of your chaps here now and then, and fine fellows they seem to be. We expect a hospital train this morning, and I understand there are some Canadians among them.

Vaca lay on a bed-roll in the corner of the larger room, and near him stood Ramon. "The señor sleeps with the horses," said Armigo significantly. Ramon bent his head and muttered a prayer. "And if you pray," said Armigo, shifting the blankets from one arm to the other, "pray then that the two horses that you borrowed may return. As for your Uncle José, he will not die."

Little Jim was always for the main chance. "I'm all hooked up to hit the trail, dad." In his small blue overalls and jumper, in his alert and manful attitude, Little Jim was a pocket edition of his father. "Where's your shootin'-iron?" queried Big Jim jokingly. "Why, she's standin' in the corner, aside of yours. A man don't pack his shootin'-iron in his bed-roll when he hits the trail.