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"That's a different thing. I am willin' to do that. I don't know about givin' 'em any money towards gettin' 'em a home, but I'll carry 'em a pound of crackers or a pound of flour, and help it along all I can." The first woman I called on wuz Miss Beazley, a new neighbor who had just moved into the neighborhood. They are rich as they can be, and I expected at least to get a pound of tea out of her.

THE EXPANSION OF EUROPE, a History of the Foundations of the Modern World, by Prof. W. C. Abbot, 1918. THE STORY OF GEOGRAPHICAL DISCOVERY, J. Jacobs, 1913. SHIPS AND THEIR WAYS OF OTHER DAYS, E. Keble Chatterton, 1906. THE DAWN OF NAVIGATION, Thomas G. Ford, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Vol. THE DAWN OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY, 2 vols., C. Raymond Beazley, 1904. Portugal

His method of taking in Blackstone seemed absorbing as it was novel. "Comparing notes, I daresay," whispered Mr. Thompson to Sir Austin. "I call that study!" The confidential clerk rose, and bowed obsequious senility. "Is it like this every day, Beazley?" Mr. Thompson asked with parental pride. "Ahem!" the old clerk replied, "he is like this every day, sir. I could not ask more of a mouse."

The noise was deafening. On the platform, by the piano, stood Mary Beazley, Miss Meadows' favourite, who played accompaniments. She was turning the music stool.

EXPLORATION AND COLONIZATION COUNTRY BY COUNTRY. Portugal: C. R. Beazley, Prince Henry the Navigator in "Heroes of the Nation," Series ; J. P. Oliveira Martins, The Golden Age of Prince Henry the Navigator, trans. with notes and additions by J. J. Abraham and W. E. Reynolds ; K. G. Jayne, Vasco da Gama and his Successors, 1460- 1580 ; H. M. Stephens, Portugal , a brief sketch in the "Story of the Nations" Series; F. C. Danvers, The Portuguese In India, 2 vols. , a thorough and scholarly work; H. M. Stephens, Albuquerque and the Portuguese Settlements in India , in "Rulers of India" Series; Angel Marvaud, Le Portugal et ses colonies ; G. M. Theal, History and Ethnography of Africa South of the Zambesi, Vol.

You put them to this purpose? Mr. Beazley! you will henceforward sit alone. I must have this young man under my own eye. Sir Austin! permit me to apologize to you for subjecting you to a scene so disagreeable. It was a father's duty not to spare him." Mr. Thompson wiped his forehead, as Brutes might have done after passing judgment on the scion of his house.

If he don't do it, he'd better, the women say, 'count of her knowing more about him than he knows she knows. I don't know what 'tis, but I hate her. All of us hate her." "Why doesn't some one speak to Mr. Johns? Certainly he can't know " "Yes 'm, he does. Joe Dickson and Bob Beazley told him once, and the next week they got a hand-out. High-Spy made Mr. Pritchard do it. Mr.

The two Companies stood-to from dark onwards, but no attack developed. There was an anxious moment for C Company when a bomb exploded close to 2nd Lieut. Beazley in the trench. He had just come up to join his Company and was hard at work digging. A light was sent up and showed the ground in front to be clear; the bomb had evidently been buried in the trench and went off when struck by a shovel.

Einhard's Life in op. cit. p. 45. The Monk of St Gall's Life in op. cit., pp. 144-7. Einhard's Life in op. cit., p. 39. Ibid., p. 35. Beazley, Dawn of Modern Geography , I, p. 325. The Monk of St Gall's Life in op. cit., pp. 78-9. See the description in Lavisse, Hist. de France II, pt. I, p. 321; also G. Monod, Les moeurs judiciaires au VIIIe Siècle, Revue Historique, t.

The state of geographical knowledge at the beginning of the period of explorations is well described in C. R. Beazley, Introduction to the volume of the Hakluyt Society's publications for 1899. F. Kunstmann, Die Kenntniss Indiens in XV. Jahrhunderts ; and G. H. Pertz, Der Aelteste Versuch zur Entdeckung des Seeweges nach Ostindien , describe two important phases of that subject.