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The children stand about ten feet away and each in turn throws a beanbag, endeavoring to make the "liberty bell," as it is called, ring. Those who succeed in making it ring receive little bells as a reward. The contents of several boxes of torpedoes may be emptied and hidden around the room. The children hunt for them, and have a jolly time shooting them off after the hunt is over.

"If you don't like that beanbag eat it. It would do you good. You don't know beans anyway." Then Klingel, without further argument, hit Petey in the eye and laid him out. Wow! Talk about irritating a hornet convention. Klingel was a great little irritator.

He produced a large beanbag, which I presume Rearick had slipped him, kicked it about four feet and then hurriedly picked it up and presented it to one of our men. All of our boys thanked him profoundly and then lined up for the scrimmage. Immediately the Kiowa captain put his right hand behind him. Our captain guessed "thumbs up." He was right and we took the ball forward five yards.

He was just about as good a fellow as a white rhinoceros, and an hour of entire civilization was about all he could possibly stand. He had the beanbag and he was tired of it. Beanbags meant nothing to him. He couldn't grasp their solemn beauty. He offered it to Petey Simmons. Petey declined, with profuse thanks. Klingel insisted.

"Oh, well, this is football; it isn't kindergarten beanbag." Dimly Andy heard these comments. He opened his eyes, only to close them again as he felt a dash of cold water in his face. "Feel all right now?" It was the voice of the coach in his ears. Andy felt himself being lifted to his feet. His ears rang, and he could not see clearly.

Bost led the team and the substitutes into the overgrown barn we used for a gymnasium, and while we were still patting ourselves approvingly in our minds he cut loose: "You pasty-faced, overfed, white-livered beanbag experts, what do you mean by running a beauty show instead of a football game?" he yelled. "Do you suppose I came out here to be art director of a statuary exhibit?