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A "gang" of rude young men toughs walked up and down, teasing the girls, wrestling, scuffling, and roaring out bad language. Troops of children played at leap-frog, high-spy, jack-stones, bean-bag, hop-scotch, and tag. At the far end of the pier some young men and women waltzed, while a lad on the string-piece played for them on his mouth-organ.

Polly 's mad!" sung Maud, skipping rope round the room. "If Mr. Sydney could see you now he would n't think you such an angel any more," added Fanny, tossing a bean-bag and her head at the same time.

"Oh, Daddy Blake!" cried Hal. "This isn't a new game at all! We've got a bean-bag one!" "And we got tired of playing it to-day," went on Mab, in disappointed tones. "This isn't exactly a bean-bag game," said Mr. Blake with a smile, "though you can make it one if you like. It's ever so much more fun than just bean-bags, for there are many other different parts to the garden game.

They played tag, and hide-and-go-seek, as well as teeter-tauter, and bean-bag. Then Mrs. Bruce gave them some cookies and milk, and they had a little play-party. But, when it came time for Bunny and Sue to go home, they thought of Splash again. "I wonder if he'll be there waiting for us," said Sue, as they came within sight of their Grandpa Brown's house. "I hope so," said Bunny.

The teams waited at attention till the umpire blew a whistle, at which signal they started simultaneously. The player nearest the chair on the right-hand side seized a bean-bag and flung it to his opposite neighbor, who in his turn flung it to No. 2 on the right-hand side, who threw it back to No. 2 on the left, and so on down the line.

"Drive a half-mile further east," he said after their boisterous greetings. "That's where we eat to-night at Ambery's. Then just across the road to the church. We've got something special on." "A box supper," asked J.W., "or a bean-bag party?" But he knew better. Marty told him to wait and see. Supper was a pleasant meal, the Amberys being pleasant people, who lived in a cozy new house.

"Say! was this around Boston?" asked Pratt, his eyes twinkling. "Oh, yes. There is a fine pack of hounds at Arlington," drawled Sue. "Sho!" chuckled Pratt. "I should think they'd teach the dogs around Boston to follow the trail of a bean-bag. Wouldn't it be easier?" "Oh, dear me!" exclaimed Miss Latrop. "Don't you think you are witty? And look at those dogs!"

Miss Zaidee and Miss Helen Ward have decided that they will patronize the ocean hereafter for their daily bath, rather than the tanks in the cheese factory. The other day our editor, and one of the valuable contributors to this paper, were seated on two posts, playing the manly game of bean-bag. The bag was coming to the editor, but somehow, when he grabbed for it, it fell on the ground.

Meantime player No. 1 had caught up a second, and a third bean-bag, and continued passing on others till all the twelve were in process of motion. They were tossed backwards and forwards till they reached the chair at the bottom of the line, and were then returned in the same way that they had come.

"Now," she went on calmly, "I shall be pleased to have the assistance of you two ladies, as I fancy these young men are not any more accustomed to sewing than to pulling taffy." But to her surprise Cecil declared himself an expert needleman, and proved it by stitching up a bean-bag, under Patty's direction, in most praiseworthy fashion.