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You must pay your devours, as we say in France, to the 'am, for it is an especial fine one, and do take a few eggs with it; there, I've not given you above a pound of 'am, but you can come again, you know waste not want not. Now take some muffins, do, pray. Batsey, bring some more cream, and set the kidneys on the table, the Yorkshireman is getting nothing to eat.

Come in never mind your hat, hang it anywhere, but don't make a noise. I stole away and left Mrs. J snoring, so won't do to wake her, you know. By the way, you should see my hat; Batsey, fatch my hat out of the back parlour.

Batsey, run into the larder and see if your Missis left any of that cold chine of pork last night and hear, bring the cold goose, and any cold flesh you can lay hands on, there are really no wittles on the table. I am quite ashamed to set you down to such a scanty fork breakfast; but this is what comes of not being master of your own house.

Grundy say?" is the nervous catchword of one of the characters, much in the same way as Mrs. Gamp was wont to defer to the censorious standards of her invisible friend "Mrs. Harris." In the case of the last named chimera, it will be recalled that the awful moment came when Mrs. Gamp's boon companion, Batsey Prig, was sacrilegious enough to declare her belief that no such person as "Mrs.

'Rhoda, said he, 'did you ever hear about a character called James Pigg and Batsey? 'Why, o' course, said she. 'The Colonel used to come into the kitchen in 'is dressin'-gown an' read us all those Jorrockses. 'Oh, Lord! said Midmore, and went to bed with a book called Handley Cross under his arm, and a lonelier Columbus into a stranger world the wet-ringed moon never looked upon.