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Indeed, he goes further. * See his address in Nature, vol. 76, p. 651. For other speculations see Verworn's "General Physiology," Butler Burke's "Origin of Life" , and Dr. Bastian's "Origin of Life" . It is evident that the popular notion that scientific men have declared that life cannot be evolved from non-life is very far astray.

Powell, Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnography, Washington, 1881, quoted in Post's Studien, p. 290; Bastian's Inselgruppen in Oceanien, 1883, p. 88. De Stuers, quoted by Waitz, v. 141. Growth of authority in Barbarian Society. Serfdom in the villages. Revolt of fortified towns: their liberation; their charts. The guild. Double origin of the free medieval city.

Bastian's argument for spontaneous generation is thus completely overthrown. The argument in the most direct form was made use of by Professor Huxley, but it is difficult to believe that so powerful a thinker could seriously hold to a view which will not bear examination, however neatly and brilliantly it may go off when first launched into the air.

Nevertheless, reward me whenever you can by giving me any news about your appointment to the Bethnal Green Museum. My dear Wallace, yours very sincerely, The Dell, Grays, Essex. August 31, 1872. Dear Darwin, Many thanks for your long and interesting letter about Bastian's book, though I almost regret that my asking you for your opinion should have led you to give yourself so much trouble.

See Bastian's deep remarks upon this subject in Der Mensch in der Geschichte, iii. Die Blutrache, pp. 1-36. A remainder of this tribal habit, I am told by Professor E. Nys, has survived in military executions till our own times.

There are any number of Professor Bastian's "ephemoromorphs" that do not live half as long as one of these automatic dancing-jacks will run, and so long as they run, the adjustment of their internal to their external relations is continuous. The success of Mr. It shall not be our fault if the reader fails to understand this definition to untwist this formidable formula of life.

Smells of the barn-yard in his talk," rejoined one of the party. "Doctor Maria's a fool!" snapped Bluhm. "She has read the index to Bastian's book, and denies her Creator, and gabbles of Bacteria, boiled and unboiled, ever since." Doctor McCall meanwhile went down the cinder-path, to all passers-by a clean-shaven, healthy gentleman out in search of an appetite for breakfast.

I quite understand your frame of mind, and think it quite a natural and proper one. You had hard work to hammer your views into people's heads at first, and if Bastian's theory is true he will have still harder work, because the facts he appeals to are themselves so difficult to establish. Are not you mistaken about the Sphagnum?

Descent of Man, second ed., pp. 63, 64. See Bastian's Mensch in der Geschichte, iii. p. 7. Also Grey, loc. cit. ii. p. 238. Miklukho-Maclay, loc. cit. Same habit with the Hottentots. The great migrations. New organization rendered necessary. The village community. Communal work. Judicial procedure. Inter-tribal law. Buryates. Kabyles. Caucasian mountaineers. African stems.

I am unacquainted with any work devoted by an anthropologist of renown to the hypnotic and kindred practices of the lower races, except Herr Bastian's very meagre tract, 'Über psychische Beobachtungen bei Naturvölkern. We possess, none the less, a mass of scattered information on this topic, the savage side of psychical phenomena, in works of travel, and in Mr.