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A murmur, rising gradually into a general shout, evinced the admiration into which the spectators were surprised, when Anthony Woodville Lord Scales his head bare appeared at the entrance of the lists, so bold and so fair was his countenance, so radiant his armour, and so richly caparisoned his gray steed, in the gorgeous housings that almost swept the ground; and around him grouped such an attendance of knights and peers as seldom graced the train of any subject, with the Duke of Clarence at his right hand, bearing his bassinet.

I suppose he thought your mind would be likely to run on bassinets. But the Infant always reminds me of the darkest horse-chestnut you ever saw in a bursting bur; so I intend to have a case of polished rosewood made for it, lined with white velvet." Helen laughed, wildly. "I have not the smallest desire, Ronald, to put your 'cello into a bassinet!" she said.

"They tell me you left the great man quite destitute of finery, Red Shandy," continued Father Claude, as he locked his arm in that of the outlaw and proceeded toward the castle. "One garment was all that Norman of Torn would permit him, and as the sun was hot overhead, he selected for the Bishop a bassinet for that single article of apparel, to protect his tonsured pate from the rays of old sol.

Your Grace does indeed set a notable example of that virtue to the peers of England; and my poor brother's infirmity of pride will stand rebuked for aye, when he hears that George Plantagenet bore the bassinet of Anthony Woodville." "But it is for the honour of the ladies," said Clarence, falteringly; "in honour of the fairest maid of all the flower of English beauty the Lady Isabel that I "

I feel as if there was an uncomfortable want of some sort ever since our baby was transplanted to the nursery. So we will establish the old bassinet and put the mite there." "And what shall we call it, Maria?" "Call it why, call it call it Mite no name could be more appropriate." "But, my love, Mite, if a name at all, is a man's that is, it sounds like a masculine name." "Call it Mita, then."

The bassinet stands close to the machine, that the girl mother may push it gently when baby is cross, and that she may reach the "soother" and replace it when it falls from baby's mouth. Now she is settled down! off she goes! She starts on a life of toil, compared to which slavery is light and pleasant. Oh, the romance of it; work from morn till late at night.

She found the oils he was doing, the picture of her beside the baby's bassinet on the terrace, for instance, disappointing. It was distinctly less understandable and amusing than his pen-and-ink work had been, and she felt a certain relief when he did some comic sketches of the Brittany nurses to send to a magazine. His hand had not lost the old cunning, if it had not gained the new.

"By means of a blanket for the bassinet in scarlet and white," said Miss Leonora; "but it's quite the kind of comfort for Louisa. I wonder if she ever had the smallest inkling what kind of a husband she has got. I don't think Frank is far wrong about Gerald, though I don't pin my faith to my nephew's judgment.

"We will! we will!" was the horrid answer, which came hissing and muttered forth from morion and cap of steel. "Hark! to their bombards!" resumed Edward. "The enemy would fight from afar, for they excel us in their archers and gunners. Upon them, then, hand to hand, and man to man! Advance banners, sound trumpets! Sir Oliver, my bassinet!

"Aubrey," he said, "you are a most awfully good fellow. I shall tell Helen. She will will will be so so grateful. I'm perfectly all right, you know; but other people seem so so busy, and and so vague. You will help me to to to arrest their attention. I must take the Infant to bed." "Yes, yes," said Aubrey; "we will find a cosy place for the Infant. If Helen were here she would provide a bassinet.