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But I must have my babies that's part of the barg'in. No mill for them oh, Marse Ned, to think that whilst I was off, fixin' our home so nice to s'prize you all wuckin' my fingers off to git the home ready you let them devils get my babies! Git up heah" and she rapped the horse down the back with the lines. "Hurry up I'm gwine after 'em es soon es I git home."

"H-m, h-m," said David with a nod; "diff'rence 'tween joggin' along on the road an' drivin' a fust heat on the track; in one case the' ain't nothin' up, an' ye don't care whether you git there a little more previously or a little less; an' in the other the's the crowd, an' the judges, an' the stake, an' your record, an' mebbe the pool box into the barg'in, that's all got to be considered.

Aunt larfed waal, an' told me tew try agin; so a couple er nights arfter, I spruced up, an' went over to Car'line Miles's; she was as smart as old cheese, an' waal off intew the barg'in. I was just as sure she'd hev me, as I be that I'm gittin' the rewmatiz a settin' in this ma'sh.

I don't need him, I says, 'an' didn't want to take him, but it was that or nothin' at the time an' glad to git it, an' I'll sell him a barg'in. Now what I want to say to you, deakin, is this: That hoss 'd suit the dominie to a tee in my opinion, but the dominie won't come to me.

But, accordin' to equity and the Constitution and the golden rule, it's a bad barg'in that can't run both ways. If a justice of the peace can marry a couple, it's plain that he is bound to be able to divo'ce 'em. This here office will issue a decree of divo'ce and abide by the decision of the Supreme Co't to hold it good." Ransie Bilbro drew a small tobacco-bag from his trousers pocket.

But this has got to be between you an' me only. You c'n tell the rest of the committee what you like, but if you ever tell a livin' soul about this here understandin', an' I find it out, I'll never pay one cent, an' you'll be to blame. I'm willin', on them terms, to stan' between the town of Whitcom an' harm; but fer 'Lish Harum, not one sumarkee! Is it a barg'in? Dave says.

Aunt larfed waal, an' told me tew try ag'in; so a couple er nights arfter, I spruced up, an' went over to Car'line Miles's; she was as smart as old cheese, an' waal off in tew the barg'in. I was just as sure she'd hev me, as I be that I'm gittin' the rewmatiz a settin' in this ma'sh.

Nick bring news worth jug. Squaw give two jug for Nick's news. Is it barg'in?" "I!" cried Mrs. Willoughby "what concern can I have with your news. My daughters are both with me, and Heaven be praised! both are well. What can I care for your news, Nick?" "Got no pap-poose but gal? T'ink you got boy officer great chief up here, down yonder over dere." "Robert! Major Willoughby!