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* the distressed and the perverted of every class and degree, especially the lowest, * the castaways, * envious and resentful subordinates, * small shopkeepers in debt, * the migrating, high-living workers, * barflies, * vagrants, * men of the gutters, * street-walkers,

"Why, then the Co-op would have been stuck with it." "That's right. And as soon as Murell's price was announced, everybody would drop out of the Co-operative and reclaim their wax, even the captains who owe Ravick money. He'd have nobody left but a handful of thugs and barflies." "But that would smash the Co-operative," Joe Kivelson objected.

And when the barflies called his talk treasonable, they hadn't been fooling. Brent said, "Identical, gentlemen, even to the finger-prints; to the very last ridge." Pender's eyebrows tried to crawl up his forehead and disappear into his hairline. "That's utterly and completely ridiculous." Brent smiled.

Ordinarily it would have been a simple bull-pen, night-court case a loud-mouth drunk refusing to pay for a drink. But much of his talk, anent enemy invasion, internal destruction, and civilian chaos, had been a little too rough for the other barflies to swallow, and complaints had been made.

God! Whoa! Here I spend thousands of dollars to get together an equipment that will make a pleasant afternoon for a crowd of gentlemen, and this is what I draw hams! A lot of barflies who never saw a tally-ho! Well, I'm done! I'm through! I'll split the damned thing up for firewood before I ever take it out again! Get down! Get out, all of you! I'll not haul one of you back a step!