United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He had few expectations from the Memphis letter; yet there was a most surprising result from it on the way, something which by no possibility could the little family in the Amity Street cottage have suspected. "My goodness me!" ejaculated Bess Harley. "Talk about the 'leaden wings of Time. Why! Time sweeps by us on electrically-driven, ball-bearing pinions.

With all these anxieties I loved the school and could hardly be wrested from it even for a day. I bent to my books with eagerness, I joined a debating society, and I took a hand at all the games. The days went by on golden, noiseless, ball-bearing axles and almost before I realized it, winter was upon the land.

"Second-growth hickory in the gears," continued Jeffries encouragingly, "ash tongues and boxes " "Some of those old buses look like ash-boxes," interposed de Spain irreverently. But Jeffries was not to be stopped: "Timkin springs, ball-bearing axles why, man, there is no vehicle in the world built like a Thief River stage."

Suspended thus on a thin layer of air, perhaps no more than a sixteenth of an inch thick but infinitely less friction-producing than the finest ball-bearing wheels and quite incapable of being broken, the ship now waited only the application of the power in her vast propellers. "Let in numbers two and four," commanded the Master, suddenly, into the engine-room telephone.

This projectile follows the usual pear-shape, and has a rotating tail to preserve direction when in flight. The detonator is held away from the main charge by a collar and ball-bearing which are held in place by the projecting end of a screw-releasing spindle.

Oh, it's a ladybug for certain! You guys play 'Perhaps' to win and you'll go home looking like Pierp Morgan after a busy day. It can't lose, this clam can't! Say, that horse 'Perhaps' wears gold-plated overshoes and it can kick more track behind it than any ostrich you ever see! Why,| it's got ball-bearing castors on the feet and it wears a naphtha engine in the forward turret.

He had called this personal friend of the Kaiser a fool and a jackass, informing him that a real mechanic could put a ball-bearing together while he, the personal friend of the Kaiser, was spitting on his hands. Could you beat it? Mr.

Heineman, his face crimson, bowed to all sides, more like a Chinese porcelain figure than ever, and started singing in all solemnity this time. "Hulas and hulas would pucker up their lips, He fell for their ball-bearing hips For they were pips ..." His chunky body swayed to the ragtime. The woman in the corner kept time with long white arms raised above her head.