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The patriots now made their first important move. A force of 1,200 volunteers, commanded by Ocampo and Balcarce, marched against Córdoba, where Liniers and Concha were in command of the Royalist forces. These latter were defeated and their leaders executed. Flushed by its success, the Argentine army then invaded Peru.

Confronting them were the patriots, the left commanded by General Alverado, the centre by Balcarce, the right by Las Heras, while Quintana headed the reserves. The battle opened with a brisk fire from the patriot artillery, and in about an hour the infantry forces joined in full action.

The ship was in Number One Dock, loading grain, and I walked across the bridge, up San Juan and took a trolley car along Balcarce to the Plaza de Mayo. It was a fine evening in September, quite cool after dark. I was rather pleased with myself, too. The boilers had opened up uncommonly well; the Second knew his work, and I had nothing to do but keep an eye on things in general.

In this case, a party of men who, being attached to Rosas, were disgusted with the governor Balcarce to the number of seventy left the city, and with the cry of Rosas the whole country took arms. The city was then blockaded, no provisions, cattle or horses, were allowed to enter; besides this, there was only a little skirmishing, and a few men daily killed.

In this case, a party of men who, being attached to Rosas, were disgusted with the governor Balcarce to the number of seventy left the city, and with the cry of Rosas the whole country took arms. The city was then blockaded, no provisions, cattle or horses, were allowed to enter; besides this, there was only a little skirmishing, and a few men daily killed.