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Fearful Adventure with a man-eating lion. The following is Mr. Cumming's account of a fearful adventure, in which he lost one of his most valuable servants: On the 29th we arrived at a small village of Bakalahari. These natives told me that elephants were abundant on the opposite side of the river.

The bees convey the pollen from one to the other. The human inhabitants of this tract of country consist of Bushmen and Bakalahari. The former are probably the aborigines of the southern portion of the continent, the latter the remnants of the first emigration of Bechuanas. The Bushmen live in the Desert from choice, the Bakalahari from compulsion, and both possess an intense love of liberty.

When the Bakalahari women heard that the man-eater was dead, they all commenced dancing about with joy, calling me their father. Thrilling Adventures of Mr. Butler. The early history of Kentucky is one continued series of daring and romantic adventures. The hero of our story was one of these.

Next day, when we were quite disposed to be friendly with every one, two of the Bamangwato, who had been sent on before us by Sekomi to drive away all the Bushmen and Bakalahari from our path, so that they should not assist or guide us, came and sat down by our fire.

The Boers Their Treatment of the Natives Seizure of native Children for Slaves English Traders Alarm of the Boers Native Espionage The Tale of the Cannon The Boers threaten Sechele In violation of Treaty, they stop English Traders and expel Missionaries They attack the Bakwains Their Mode of Fighting The Natives killed and the School-children carried into Slavery Destruction of English Property African Housebuilding and Housekeeping Mode of Spending the Day Scarcity of Food Locusts Edible Frogs Scavenger Beetle Continued Hostility of the Boers The Journey north Preparations Fellow-travelers The Kalahari Desert Vegetation Watermelons The Inhabitants The Bushmen Their nomad Mode of Life Appearance The Bakalahari Their Love for Agriculture and for domestic Animals Timid Character Mode of obtaining Water Female Water-suckers The Desert Water hidden.

This man had no merchandise, and pretended to have come in order to inquire "what sort of goods were necessary for the market." He seemed much disconcerted by my presence there. Sekeletu presented him with an elephant's tusk and an ox; and when he had departed about fifty miles to the westward, he carried off an entire village of the Bakalahari belonging to the Makololo.

The Bakalahari, or Bechuanas, living in the central parts, which includes all those tribes living in or adjacent to the great Kalahari Desert. 1st. The Caffres are divided by themselves into various subdivisions, as Amakosa, Amapanda, and other well-known titles. They consider the name Caffre as an insulting epithet.

The Bakalahari, who live at Motlatsa wells, have always been very friendly to us, and listen attentively to instruction conveyed to them in their own tongue.

* Since writing the above statement, it has received confirmation in the reported death of Mr. Wahlberg while hunting elephants on foot at Lake Ngami. Advancing to some wells beyond Letloche, at a spot named Kanne, we found them carefully hedged round by the people of a Bakalahari village situated near the spot.

I always made the people collect to hear the word that you have got. What guilt have I, that you pass without looking at me?" We sent a handsome present to Sekomi, and a promise that, if he allowed the Bakalahari to keep the wells open for us, we would repeat the gift on our return.