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Oh, heavy the tale of his fiefs and his lands! He has gone from the guddee and put on the shroud, And departed in guise of bairagi avowed! Now the white road to Delhi is mat for his feet, The sal and the kikar must guard him from heat; His home is the camp, and the waste, and the crowd He is seeking the Way as bairagi avowed!

Once and once only in these later days has the Buddha evinced his displeasure at the modernization of his ancient shrine. About the year 1880 came hither a Bairagi, naked and wild, who walled off a corner of the cave and raised a clay altar to his puny god. Sacrilege intolerable! And the Buddha through the hand of an avaricious Koli smote him unto death and hurled his naked corpse down hill.

Else I am dead. Five ten minutes alone, if I had not been so pressed, and I might 'Is he cured yet, miracle-worker? said the Kamboh jealously. 'Thou hast chanted long enough. 'Nay. There is no cure for his hurts, as I see, except he sit for three days in the habit of a bairagi. This is a common penance, often imposed on a fat trader by his spiritual teacher.

Purun Dass swept the stone floor clean, smiled at the grinning statue, made himself a little mud fireplace at the back of the shrine, spread his antelope skin on a bed of fresh pine-needles, tucked his bairagi his brass-handled crutch under his armpit, and sat down to rest.