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Andrew wiped the table, wrung out his dishcloth in the back-handed manner peculiar to his sex, hung it on a nail behind the door, dried his hands on his trousers, which for once were not "busted up," and with a less rueful expression than he had exhibited for several hours, went forth to meet his grandma.

I paste her onto the rock, with one swipe of the brush for the edges and a back-handed swipe for the finish except when a bill is folded in two halves. "'And what do you do then? I asked, disgusted. "'Swipe twice, said Frisby, with enthusiasm. "'And you don't think it injures the landscape? "'Injures it! he exclaimed, convinced that I was attempting to joke. "I looked wearily out to sea.

But ez fer yer keepin' me a minit longer, ye've only got to pay me my salary to-day and" but here she stopped, for the astonishment in Abner's face was too plain to be misunderstood. "Nobody's been slinging any lies about ye, Miss Budd," he said slowly, recovering himself resignedly from this last back-handed stroke of fate; "I warn't talkin' o' you, but myself.

Sugarman fidgeted about uneasily; not one surreptitious seizure escaped him, and every one pricked him like a needle. Soon his soul grew punctured like a pin-cushion. The Shalotten Shammos was among the worst offenders, and he covered his back-handed proceedings with a ceaseless flow of complimentary conversation. "Excellent fish, Mrs.

Down went a waiter, and down went another waiter. Sam made a couple of tremendous swipes, and then down went the Aurora's captain and one of his crew. The Aurora's captain's head, I thought, would be knocked clean off, the way the turkey hit him. Then over went a row of French stokers, and, with a back-handed sweep of the turkey, down went the bartender behind.

Before Serena could frame a reply to this back-handed compliment the unconscious B. Phelps removed the greater part of its sting by observing: "That butler of yours looks as if he had been here a thousand. I felt as if George the First was opening the door for me. He's a star, all right. Did he come with the place?" Mrs. Dott explained that Hapgood was one of Aunt Lavinia's old servants.

"You hold your row," he cried, and as I stood thus held, I received a sharp, back-handed blow on the mouth, which made my lip bleed. "Bring it out, Dicksee." The latter wanted no second telling, but dived down into poor Mercer's treasure-chest, and brought out the pot of preserving paste. "There!" cried Burr major, taking up the pot with a face wrinkled up with disgust; "now we've found him out.

And the creature Morris is sic a cowardly caitiff, that to this hour he daurna say that it was Rob took the portmanteau aff him; and troth he's right, for your custom-house and excise cattle are ill liket on a' sides, and Rob might get a back-handed lick at him, before the Board, as they ca't, could help him." "I have long suspected this, Mr. Jarvie," said I, "and perfectly agree with you.

They declared that a good hunter should be able to protect himself by a back-handed blow with his sword, should the lion attack the horse from behind; but that the great danger in a lion hunt arose when the animal took refuge in a solitary bush, and turned to bay.

Even the little children had hidden weapons, but Maga was better armed than any one, and she thrust the new mother-o-pearl-plated acquisition in the face of one of the men who dared drive his horse between hers and Will's. That not serving more than to amuse him, she slapped him three times back-handed across the face, and thrusting the pistol back into her bosom, drew a knife.