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This incident changed the whole tenor of my rebellious thought; in the earlier part of the day I had dressed this doll in very fine clothes, intending to carry it to the house of a poor neighbor, who lived in the rear of my father's premises, and whose baby-girl was confined, through some hopeless deformity, to the narrow limits of an invalid chair.

Perhaps it was because he was so good to his flock that God gave him little Clare to bring up. Perhaps it was because he and his wife were so good to Clare, that by and by a wonderful thing took place. About three years after the earthquake, Mrs. Porson had a baby-girl sent her for her very own.

Baby-girl sha'n't miss nothin' through me." One beautiful spring day I swung back the gate of a garden on the outskirts of the village of Plymouth and walked up a flower-bordered path to a cottage porch smothered in vines. Ruby was standing in the door, her hands held out to me. I had not seen her for years. Her husband had not returned yet from their school, but she expected him every minute.

There was a silence; the cab had quitted the smoother roads and entered on a course of rattling stones. It was difficult to speak so as to be heard; but Westwood raised his voice. "Cynthia!" "Yes, father." "It seems to me that you need watching over as much as ever you did when you was a little baby-girl.

About noon, the blacksmith's children brought him his dinner in a tin bucket, leaving it inside. When they came out, one freckled baby-girl came up to Yarrow. "Tie my shoe," she said, putting up one foot, peremptorily. "Are you hungry?" looking at him curiously, after he had done it, at the same time holding up a warm seed-cake she was eating to his mouth.

Past the little wattle grove there is a hill covered with the white gums. The young bark of these trees is of a pinky white, like the arms of a baby-girl. As the season advances and the sun beats more and more fiercely on the trees, the bark deepens in colour into red and brown, and deep brown-pink. This is the camping-place. A nice soft bit of meadow will be found in the shade of the hillside.

In the next room the baby-girl squalled most persistently; down in the valley the premonitions of war made themselves heard through the narrow throat of a small cannon which, until then, had been used only to celebrate the Fourth of July. The noise of a horse's hoofs roused Teague's hounds, and some one called out from the road "Hello, Poteet!" "Ah-yi!" "You hearn the racket?"

Among the anxious and bewildered people who thronged the nursery at this juncture was a young woman who acted as wet-nurse to the latest born of the Malmaisons, a baby-girl three months old.

He became conscious of the cable he had found tightly clasped in her hand. He picked it up and read it. It was very brief: You have made your bed, lie in it. Nathaniel Kingsnorth. was all it said. Toward morning the doctor placed a little mite of humanity in O'Connell's arms. He looked down at it in a stupor. It had really come to pass. Their child Angela's and his! A little baby-girl.

"There, there, Mother," he said vaguely. To Lydia he went on, "You've been gone quite a while, you know, and well, till you have a baby-girl of your own I guess you won't have much notion of how we feel." Lydia's dark eyes filled, responsive to the emotion about her. "I'm just about distracted," she cried. "I love everybody and everything so, I can't stand it!