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I know her ways; she has got to the stage when she must be carried. Can you manage her?" "I think so," replied Arthur, "if you don't mind holding her legs, and provided that the vessel does not roll," and, with an effort, he hoisted Miss Terry baby-fashion into his arms, and staggered off with her towards the indicated cabin, Mrs. Carr, as suggested, holding the lower limbs of the prostrate lady.

Fanny declines explaining, but blushes instead, and asks Miss Lavinia where she got that darling shawl, which is really a perfect love of a thing; and so, with smiles from Redbud, the conversation continues until dinner-time, when the Squire makes his appearance, and after kissing Miss Redbud, affects to take Miss Fanny by the elbows and bump her head against the ceiling, baby-fashion.

Who air you next?" nursing his musket across his knees, baby-fashion. Ben measured him with one eye, polished the quid in his greasy hand, and looked at it. "Pris'ner o' war," he mumbled, finally, contemptuously; for Dave's trousers were in rags like his own, and his chilblained toes stuck through the shoe-tops. Cheap white trash, clearly.

Tobey stumbled past her headlong into the house, muttering, "I'm cold!" She shut the door and followed him to the stove, where he stood shaking himself and beating at his damp clothes with clumsy fingers. "What was that scream?" she asked him tensely. She knotted her rough fingers as she waited for his answer. "I dunno," he grunted sullenly. His thick lower lip shoved itself forward, baby-fashion.

She grew restless, her bed of sand seeming robbed of comfort, bleak and uneasy, so that she started up, presently, into a sitting position, rubbing her eyes with her fists baby-fashion, unable for the minute to imagine how or why she came to be lying like this out on the Bar, hatless, shoe and stockingless.

Tobey stumbled past her headlong into the house, muttering, "I'm cold!" She shut the door and followed him to the stove, where he stood shaking himself and beating at his damp clothes with clumsy fingers. "What was that scream?" she asked him tensely. She knotted her rough fingers as she waited for his answer. "I dunno," he grunted sullenly. His thick lower lip shoved itself forward, baby-fashion.

To induce clearer consciousness she instinctively parted the mosquito curtains, slipped her feet down over the side of the bed; and, a little crouched together and fumbly baby-fashion being still under the comfortable empire of sleep, crossed the room and set back the inward opening casements of the south window.

By patient training in the abnormal condition she has been enabled to give things their names, though she still preserves a baby-fashion of pronouncing. She sometimes remains in the abnormal condition for days together and the change to her real self takes place suddenly, without exciting surprise or dismay, and she forthwith resumes possession of her memory for events of her ordinary life.

I like to be loved, doggie; but no one in this house believes in love except my dear boy, and it is lonely when not a single creature cares, for you. I should like to enjoy a good cry, Puck; but I must not make Dick sad, and it is a baby-fashion to cry when things go wrong and you can't get what you wish. But, oh dear! whatever shall I do after my dear good boy is gone away?"