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Histoire de Portugal; contenant les Entreprises, &c. des Portugais, tant en la Conquête des Indes Orientales par eux découvertes, qu'en Guerres d'Afrique et autres Exploits: nouvellement mise en Français. Par S. Goullard. Paris, 1581. 4to. Navigatio et Itinerarium in Orientalem Indiam, &c. Autore Joanne Linschot. Amsterd. 1614. folio.

And if he himself wrote the life which we find before the Elzevir edition, said to be Erasmo autore, he does not particularly mention the year in which he was born, but places it circa annum 67 supra millesintum quadringentesimum. Another Latin life, which is prefixed to the above-mentioned London edition, fixes it in the year 1465; as does his epitaph at Basil.

Qui Dante fa menzione di Guido Guerra, e meravigliano molti della modestia dell' autore, che da costui e dalla di lui moglie tragga l'origine sua, mentre poteva derivarla care di gratitudine affettuosa a quella, Gualdrada, stipito suo, dandole nome e tramandandola quasi all' eternit

The author, who was commissioner of the lines of the Spanish frontier in Paraguay, gives in this work much information on the climate, soil, &c. of countries little known; and the value of it is enhanced by the notes of Cuvier and Sonnini on natural history. Relation de la Voyage dans les Provinces de la Plata. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Historia de Abifponibus. Autore Dobutzhoffen. Vienna, 1784. 8vo.

In these days, when the high price of paper makes it easy for authors to sell by the pound what no one would take by the single copy, he is luckiest who has made the heaviest book. We seem to detect here and there a flavor of Jones's Poem or Smith's History, something like the rhythm of the one and the accuracy of the other. Quot libras autore summo invenies? is the question for booksellers now.

"Have you ever dined with a cardinal?" he asked. "No, Signorino," that patient sufferer replied. "Well, I'm in the very dickens of a quandary son' proprio nel dickens d'un imbarazzo." he informed her. "Dickens ?" she repeated. "Si Dickens, Carlo, celebre autore inglese. Why not?" he asked. Marietta gazed with long-suffering eyes at the horizon.

From the bottom of his heart calls to you: "Tu se lo mio maestro, el mio autore!" and dedicates this work to you with invariably faithful love Your WEYMAR, Easter 1859. LUCERNE, May 8th, 1859.

Autore E. Koempfer. Lemgo, 1712. 4to. This work relates principally to Persia, and the easternmost parts of Asia: M. Langles justly characterizes it as a rich mine of information of all kinds respecting this portion of the world. Samlung der murkwurdigsten Reisen in den Orient. Von E. Panlus. Jena, 1792-1798. 10 vols. 8vo.