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I have, in a former work, Argentine Ornithology, described a contrary effect in a small and beautiful tyrant-bird, Cyanotis azarae, variously called, in the vernacular, "All-colored or Many-colored Kinglet." It has a little blue on its head, but its entire back, from the nape to the tail, is deep green.

I have specified the foregoing differences between the male and female sex in mankind, because they are curiously like those of the Quadrumana. With these animals the female is mature at an earlier age than the male; at least this is certainly the case in Cebus azarae.

Right ramus of lower jaw. Natural size. Part of lower jaw of Tupaia tana. Twice natural size. Part of lower jaw of Didelphys Azarae; recent, Brazil. Natural size. Amphitherium Prevostii, Cuvier sp. Stonesfield Slate. Syn. Thylacotherium Prevostii, Valenc. a. Coronoid process. b. Condyle. c. Angle of jaw. d. Amphitheriumm Broderipii, Owen. Natural size.

Carrion-hawk, bright coloured female of. Carus, Prof. V., on the development of the horns in merino sheep; on antlers of red deer. Cassowary, sexes and incubation of the. Castnia, mode of holding wings. Castoreum. Castration, effects of. Casuarius galeatus. Cat, convoluted body in the extremity of the tail of a; sick, sympathy of a dog with a. Cataract in Cebus Azarae.

Cebus, maternal affection in a; gradation of species of. Cebus Apella. Cebus Azarae, liability of, to the same diseases as man; distinct sounds produced by; early maturity of the female. Cebus capucinus, polygamous; sexual differences of colour in; hair on the head of. Cebus vellerosus, hair on the head of. Cecidomyiidae, proportions of the sexes in.

Inferiority, supposed physical, of man. Inflammation of the bowels, occurrence of, in Cebus Azarae. Inheritance, of long and short sight; of effects of use of vocal and mental organs; of moral tendencies; laws of; sexual; sexually limited. Inquisition, influence of the. Insanity, hereditary. insect, fossil, from the Devonian. Insectivora, absence of secondary sexual characters in.

Apes, long-armed, their mode of progression. Aphasia, Dr. Bateman on. Apis mellifica, large male of. Apollo, Greek statues of. Apoplexy in Cebus Azarae. Appendages, anal, of insects. Approbation, influence of the love of. Aprosmictus scapulatus. Apus, proportion of sexes. Aquatic birds, frequency of white plumage in. Aquila chrysaetos. Arab women, elaborate and peculiar coiffure of.

Catarrh, liability of Cebus Azarae to. Catarrhine monkeys. Caterpillars, bright colours of. Cathartes aura. Cathartes jota, love-gestures of the male. Catlin, G., correlation of colour and texture of hair in the Mandans; on the development of the beard among the North American Indians; on the great length of the hair in some North American tribes.

The other opossum is the black and white Didelphys azarae; and it is indeed strange to find this animal on the pampas, although its presence there is not so mysterious as that of the tuco-tuco. It shuffles along slowly and awkwardly on the ground, but is a great traveller nevertheless.

Conscience, absence of, in some criminals. Constitution, difference of, in different races of men. Consumption, liability of Cebus Azarae to; connection between complexion and. Convergence of characters. Cooing of pigeons and doves. Cook, Captain, on the nobles of the Sandwich Islands. Cope, E.D., on the Dinosauria. Cophotis ceylanica, sexual differences of. Copris.