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These she placed, also the cracked cups, with great gusto, on the rickety table, propped for support against the wall, as one of its legs was gone entirely and another on the fair road to departure. "'Tain't stylish to have yer table agin the wall," she broke out, "at a five-o'clock tea; I know, 'cause I've peeked in the windows up on the avenoo, an' I've seen your folks, too."

"I must confess I've never had the pleasure," said Speed, whereupon the speaker regarded him pityingly, and Stover, jealous that so much of the conversation had escaped him, inquired: "Can it be that you never heard that monologue, Silas on Fifth Avenoo?" Again Speed shook his head.

Billy Byrne would have asserted with some show of asperity that he was nothing if not American; but Bridge was quick to see a possible loophole for escape for his friend in Pesita's belief that Billy was no gringo, and warned the latter to silence by a quick motion of his head. "He's from 'Gran' Avenoo," he said. "It is not exactly in Germany; but there are a great many Germans there.

I'm the new up-town society reporter for the Sunday Earth, and I came in here to see if you wouldn't help me to get a show at finding out who was going to have weddings and society doings. I didn't know just how to start." Munsberg gave a sort of grunt. He looked less amiable. "I s'pose you're used to nothin' but Fift' Avenoo," he said. Tembarom grinned exactly at the right time again.

The thing is, to get 'im with his back to the wall an' make 'im deliver up what he knows." Mr. Bud's call turned out to have been merely social in its motive. Larcher took him to dinner at a smart restaurant, which the old man declared he would never have had the nerve to enter by himself; and finally set him on his way smoking a cigar, which he said made him feel like a Fi'th Avenoo millionaire.

"Yes an' never mind who I am; but if youse guys want him he's walkin' west on Grand Avenoo right now. I just this minute seen him near Lincoln," and she smashed the receiver back into its hook.

What deceivin'! For, shure, right here in me pocket I've got a friend Mr. Charles Dickens!" On almost every visit he would have some such surprise. Or perhaps he would fetch in just a bit of news. "I hear they're thinkin' o' raisin' a statoo o' Colonel Roosevelt at the Sixth Avenoo entrance to Central Park," he told Johnnie one day. "And I'm informed it's t' be Roosevelt the Rough Rider.

Stepping close to me, he thrust his head forward and measured the emphases of his speech by his right forefinger upon my shoulder, as he said: "You paint THIS in yer pitchers, m' dear friend; they's jest as much law in this country as they is on the corner o' Twenty-thoid Street an' Fif' Avenoo! You keep out the way of it, or you'll git runned over!"

How do you like it?" "I don't see any wash-stand, or any chance to wash." "Come, that's rich!" said Mr. Tucker, appearing to be very much amused. "You didn't think you was stoppin' in the Fifth Avenoo Hotel, did you?" "This don't look like it." "We ain't used to fashionable boarders, and we don't know how to take care of 'em.

Oh, I'm so glad to see you! I've so wanted to say thank you!" "Gee, if it ain't the swell little lost kid of the AveNOO!" grinned the boy. "Well, what do you know about that! Lost again?" "Oh, no!" exclaimed Pollyanna, dancing up and down on her toes in irrepressible joy. "I can't get lost any more I have to stay right here. And I mustn't talk, you know.