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As a matter of fact, we see in psychoses, particularly in stupor, more sharply defined regressions to different levels than we ever see in normal life. Our psychological hypothesis would be incomplete and probably unsound if it could not offer as valid explanations for the atypical features in our stupor reactions as for the typical.

The further repetition, "Come, come, come, come, give me your hand," sounds again infantile through and through. So one speaks to a child, scarcely to an adult. It seems as if she takes the father or the mother by the hand and bids them go to bed. One recognizes already in this passage that this atypical sleep walking of Lady Macbeth also leads naturally into the sexual and the infantile.

Frequently these early symptoms are reported in the anamnesis and not actually observed by the physician. Three cases may be cited as examples of dementia præcox onsets. It will be noted that the ensuing stupors were, like those already quoted, atypical. Catherine H. Age: 21. Admitted to the Psychiatric Institute October 10, 1904. F. H. The mother’s brother had two attacks of delirium tremens.

The atypical girls of good social groups who need guidance regarding pre-marital continence are of two types: either one with intensive sexuality which is often modifiable by medical or surgical treatment; or one of probably normal instincts but with radical sexual philosophy.

As a matter of fact, we find, as a rule, that careful examination of the onset reveals further atypical features, suggestions or definite evidences of a dementia præcox reaction before the stupor itself appears. One common occurrence is a slow deterioration of character and energy that proceeds for months or years before flagrantly psychotic symptoms appear.

One of the main preoccupations in the wards was the differential diagnosis between atypical malaria and typhoid fever, for the malaria that one reads of in textbooks did not exist save exceptionally. A man had an irregular temperature for days and it was often extremely difficult to give a name to the cause.

Now, while I admit in advance that the problem of pre-marital continence is not of great significance in the personal lives of the great majority of the type of women who are likely to hear or read this lecture, I do believe that this is the type of women who ought to think over the problem as it concerns the atypical girl of good social groups and the "unprotected" girl of more unfortunate groups.

Laura A.: During her stupor was more vague, saying, “I can’t move, they won’t let me be,” without betraying any suggestion of whomtheymight be. When one considers, however, that these five were the only ones who gave any atypical explanation of their inactivity among the thirty-seven cases, the preponderance of the death idea becomes striking.

When it tends to be elaborated, it leads over to formulations suggesting personal attachments and emotional outlet, and then we are apt to find interruptions of the pure stupor picture. Atypical symptoms appear just as constantly in these cases, as do the atypical ideas. In other words, the thought content is definitely correlated with the clinical picture.

The candle in her hand, that is a feature which up till now we have met in none of our cases, but which, as a glance into literature teaches me, is by no means infrequently found with sleep walkers. It can hardly be considered a mere accident that Shakespeare discovered just this characteristic, which is really atypical. One would be much more inclined to suspect in it a secret, hidden meaning.