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Christ's blood atones for all past sin, and has power to bring forgiveness to every one. Christ's vital Spirit will enter into any heart, and, abiding there, has power to make the foulest clean. 'If Thou wilt' he had no right to presume on Christ's good will. He knew nothing about the principles upon which His miracles were wrought and His mercy extended.

It is this chivalrous poetic side that atones for the many follies of Sisterhoods; for the pauperism they introduce among the poor, the cliqueism of their inner life, the absurdities of their "holy obedience." Each of these charitable agencies in fact has its work to do, and does it in its own way. On paper there can be no doubt that the Sister of Mercy is the more attractive figure of the three.

We are forced to approach the historical period of Greece through a cloud-land of legend, in which atones of the gods are mingled with those of men, and the most marvellous of incidents are introduced as if they were everyday occurrences. The Argonautic expedition belongs to this age of myth, the vague vestibule of history.

"Some people think that an apology more than atones for the offence. I don't." "Neither do I," said Scott quietly. "But it's better than nothing, isn't it?" His eyes met his brother's very steadily and openly. His attitude was unflinching. "It depends," Eustace rejoined curtly. "It is if you mean it. If you don't, it's not worth that," with a snap of the fingers.

If "The Tale of Ardashir" is wearisome, that of "Julnar the Sea Born and her son King Badr," which like "Abdullah of the Land, and Abdullah of the Sea," concerns mer-folk, amply atones for it. This, too, is the tale of the Arabian Circe, Queen Lab, who turns people into animals.

The first part of her lewd life with the young gentleman at Colchester has so many happy turns given it to expose the crime, and warn all whose circumstances are adapted to it, of the ruinous end of such things, and the foolish, thoughtless, and abhorred conduct of both the parties, that it abundantly atones for all the lively description she gives of her folly and wickedness.

He will pay for present injustice with future suffering "Or reach a hand through time to catch The far-off interest of tears" even though he have no conscious remembrance of the faults for which he atones, or the sorrow for which he is recompensed.

Columbus appears as a romantic figure in history, the glory of whose successful discovery atones for his many failings. Of the original sources of information about Columbus the most important are: 1. The great collection of original documents printed in Spanish by Navarrete, in 1825-37, in five volumes, and partly reprinted in a French translation in 1828.

The wretchedly relaxed religion of the Greek church, where a trivial penance atones for every thing, and ceremonial takes the place of morals, as it inevitably does wherever a religion is encumbered with unnecessary forms, could be no restraint on the conduct of a daring and imperious woman.

As we rounded the Battery and sped swiftly up the East River, the noblest avenue of New York, lined with the true palaces of her merchant-princes, an avenue which by its solid and truthful architecture half atones for the flimsiness of its land structures, as we passed the ocean steamships lying at the "Hook," the sea-captains about me began to talk of the American triumphs of speed.