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Later on had followed the marriage, hastily performed at Burgos, a small town on the frontier between the two countries, and the grand public entry into Madrid with the customary celebration of high mass at the Church of La Atocha, and a more than usually solemn auto-da-fe, in which nearly three hundred heretics, amongst whom were many Englishmen, had been delivered over to the secular arm to be burned.

I pick up stubs, I sell sand, and when I can't earn anything I go to the Maria Cristina barracks." "What for?" "What for? For a meal, of course." "And where's this barracks?" "Near the Atocha station. Why? Would you like to go there, too?" "Yes, I would." "Well, let's come along then, or we'll miss mess time." The two got up and started on their journey.

He died at the advanced age of ninety-two years, and was buried at Madrid, in the church of the Dominican convent of Atocha, of which fraternity he was a member. Attempts have been made to decry the consistency and question the real philanthropy of Las Casas, in consequence of one of the expedients to which he resorted to relieve the Indians from the cruel bondage imposed upon them.

To the third class, the Virgin of Carmen, of Zaragoza, of Guadaloupe, of Copacabana, of Olivia de la Victoria, of Peñacerada, of Regla, of Cavadoraga, of Montserrat, of Nieves, of Fousanta, of Atocha, and innumerable other places. The Virgin of the Rosary is so called, because it is before her image that her devotees pray the rosary.

Thousands of people attended the funeral of Las Casas. He was buried in Madrid, in the convent chapel of "Our Lady of Atocha." In early American history there is no one who stands on a level with this remarkable man. Many bitter enemies he had, it is true; such a man, fearless, outspoken, able, never to be silenced when he was convinced of the righteousness of his cause, was bound to have.

The Orphan begged at the stores on the road and was given two slices of bread and a small coin. "Will you have some, ninchi?" he asked, offering Manuel one of the slices. "Hand it over." By the Ronda de Atocha they reached the Estacion de Mediodia. "Do you know the time?" asked the Orphan. "Yes. It's eleven." "Well then, it's too early to go to the barracks."

Be this as it may, one cannot but suspect some strain of truth in the story about the Inquisition; for, whether or not Vesalius operated on Don Carlos, he had seen with his own eyes that miraculous Virgin of Atocha at the bed's foot of the prince.

My Spaniard took my bridle, held his own between his teeth, for his right hand held the bloodstained bundle, and we went off at lightning speed. "'I could not see the smallest object by which to retrace the road we came by. At dawn I found myself close by my own door, and the Spaniard fled towards the Atocha gate.

Phillip the Fifth, as may be seen in Coxe's Memoirs of the Kings of Spain, 'presented about the year 1172, three standards taken from 'infidels' to our lady of Atocha; and sent another to the Pope, as the grateful homage of the Catholic King to the head of the Church.

Petra went up Carretas Street, continued through Atocha, entered the Estacion del Mediodia and sat down on a bench to wait for Manuel.... Meanwhile, the boy was approaching the city half asleep, half asphyxiated, in a third-class compartment. He had taken the train the night before at the railway station where his uncle was superintendent.