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It makes him to kisse his hand like an ape, cringe his neck like a starueling, and play at hey passe repasse come aloft when hee salutes a man. From thence he brings the art of atheisme, the art of epicurising, the art of whoring, the art of poysoning, the art of Sodomitrie.

See the two pamphlets by Edmond Bower described below in appendix A, § 5, and Henry More, Antidote against Atheisme, bk. III, ch. Wylde was not well esteemed as a judge. On the institution of the protectorate he was not reappointed by Cromwell. R. Chandler and sometimes not truly repeated." J. Britten, Folk Lore Soc. For the case see The Tryall and Examinations of Mrs.

It was in 1653 that More issued An Antidote to Atheisme. The phenomena of witchcraft he reckoned as part of the evidence for the reality of the spirit world and used them to support religion, quite in the same manner as Sir Oliver Lodge or Professor Hyslop would today use psychical research to establish immortality. More had made investigations for himself, probably at Maidstone.

Many times hath Satan troubled me concerning the verity of the Scriptures, many times by Atheisme how could I know whether there was a God; I never saw any miracles to confirm me, and those which I read of how did I know but they were feigned.

This day ill news of my father's being very ill of his old grief the rupture, which troubles me. 12th. Up, still lying long in bed; then to the office, where sat very long. So home to supper, and then to read a little in Moore's "Antidote against Atheisme," a pretty book, and so to bed.

This day ill news of my father's being very ill of his old grief the rupture, which troubles me. 12th. Up, still lying long in bed; then to the office, where sat very long. So home to supper, and then to read a little in Moore's "Antidote against Atheisme," a pretty book, and so to bed.

That Gaule was a Puritan, as has been asserted, appears from nothing in his book. Nor does the tone of his writings suggest a Calvinist. That in 1649 we find Gaule chosen to preach before the assizes of Huntingdon points perhaps only to his popularity as a leader of the reaction against the work of Hopkins. Antidote to Atheisme, 129. Ibid., 127-130. Ibid., ch. Ibid., 135. See p. 118.

He had indeed some experience in this work, as well as some acquaintance with the writers on the subject. But he adds nothing to the discussion unless it be the coupling of the disbelief in witchcraft with the "Atheisme and Irreligion that overflows the land."