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"Because she has a good by which I mean a Christian mother. Ah! Mr Aspel, you have no idea how many unknown and unnoticed gems there are half smothered in the moral mud and filth of London. It is a wonderful a tremendous city; tremendous because of the mighty influences for good as well as evil which are constantly at work in it.

"Sharp practice!" observed George Aspel to the red-coated official, who, after shutting the mouth, placed a ticket above it which told all corners that they were too late.

The Baronet frowned, for George Aspel had smiled slightly and shaken his head as he sat down. "Forgive me, Sir James, if I seem to regard your kind proposals with indifference. Indeed, I am sincerely grateful, especially for the motive that actuates you I mean regard for my dear father's memory " "How do you know, sir," interrupted Sir James testily, "that this is my only motive?"

Thus George Aspel was regularly, though suddenly, installed. When evening approached Mrs Murridge lighted the gas, and the new shopman set to work with energy to examine the stock and look over the books, in the hope of thereby obtaining at least a faint perception of the nature of the business in which he was embarked. While thus engaged a woman entered hastily and demanded her pheasant.

"The same, at your service," replied the small messenger; "an' if you are the friend he talks to me so much about, as goes by the name of George Aspel, an' is descended in a direct line from the old sea-kings, I'm proud to make your acquaintance."

"Your pheasant, my good woman?" "Yes, the one I left here to-day wi' the broken heye. I don't want to 'ave it mended; changed my mind. Will you please give it me back, sir?" "I must call the gentleman to whom you gave it," said Aspel, rather sharply, for he perceived the woman had been drinking.

"Well then, I'll send it," said Aspel, closing the letter; "do you know where I can post it?" "Not I. Never was here before. I've only a vague idea of how I got here, and mustn't go far with you lest I lose myself." At that moment Miss Lillycrop's door opened and little Tottie issued forth. "Ah! she will help us. D'you know where the Post-Office is, Tottie?"

He set himself, therefore, diligently to discover and separate the one kind from the other, with keen interest. But this is by the way. Phil's greatest anxiety and care at that time was the salvation of his old friend and former idol, George Aspel.

Accepting the offer, he handed him the note and flung himself down in a heap on the straw mattress in the dark corner, where he had first become acquainted with Bones. In a few seconds he was in a deep lethargic slumber. "What a wretched spectacle!" exclaimed Bones, touching him with his toe, and, in bitter mockery, quoting the words that Aspel had once used regarding himself.

Sir James looked inquiringly at the fire and shook his head. He was evidently not convinced. "There is truth in what you say, Aspel, but by taking this course you sacrifice your prospects entirely at least in this life." "On the contrary, Sir James, I expect, by taking this course, to gain all that in this life is worth living for." "Ah!