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About the name of Luttius there is no doubt: in place of Caius Servilius and Titus Annius, some annals have Quintus Acilius and Caius Herenrius; others, Publius Cornelius Asina and Caius Papirius Maso. This point is also uncertain, whether the ambassadors went to expostulate to the Boii suffered violence, or whether an attack was made on the triumvirs while measuring out the lands.

The loss in this battle was trifling, in comparison with the greatness of the victory; though the other consul, Cornelius Asina, was cut off, being invited by the enemy to a pretended conference, and put to death; an instance of Carthaginian perfidy.

As might be expected in so alarming an emergency, the senate was immediately assembled, when Publius Cornelius, surnamed Asina, was for recalling all the generals and armies from every part of Italy to protect the city, disregarding Capua and every other concern.

Horace cautions him to present his poems to Augustus at a proper opportunity, and with due decorum. If haply the heavy load of my paper should gall you, cast it from you, rather than throw down your pack in a rough manner where you are directed to carry it, and turn your paternal name of Asina into a jest, and make yourself a common story.

To the consuls the authority was continued for a year longer. Caius Claudius Centho, son of Appius, and then Publius Cornelius Asina, were appointed interreges by the fathers.

Ab eo quoque loco non distat multum Ecclesia beatae Maaiae Aegyptiacae, in qua et eius tumba videtur: et haud procul inde est vicus Bethphage, vbi Christus misit ante passionis suae tempus duos de discipulis pro asina et pullo eius. Et in ipso castello, quod erat sororis Marthae, et Mariae rescuscitauit fratrem earum Lazarum quatriduanum mortuum.