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The King of Akimboo swept all before him, penetrated to the King of Ashantee's camp, took them in flank, and shewed his rapid and victorious progress by a column of smoke that extended to the very heart of the enemy's lines. The example of the Ashantee Captain, who blew himself up to escape from the hand of his adversaries, was followed by several other Ashantees in command.

It was taken afterwards by the Dutch, and being stormed, was almost destroyed by the Ashantee army, before it attacked Annamaboe; the position is very commanding. The people of Simpah are Fantees, but their language is called Affoottoo. They are in the district of Agoona. About nine miles from Simpah is the Dutch fort Berracoe; the natives call the town Leniah.

It may perhaps be said without immodesty that the new "candidate for popular favor" was not distinguished by servile flattery of the British character and meek subservience to the British Government, as might perhaps be inferred from the following extract from an article on General Sir Garnet Wolseley, who had just received the thanks of his Sovereign and a munificent reward from Parliament for his successful plundering expedition through Ashantee: "We feel a comfortable sense of satisfaction in the thought that The Lantern will never fail to shed the light of its loyal approval upon any unworthy act by which our country shall secure an adequate and permanent advantage.

Lady Craven and the Headforts came later. Returned to England on the 27th by Greenore and Holyhead. For the October number of the 'Review, Reeve had written an article on the Ashantee War, in which he would seem to have been assisted by Lord Kimberley, then Colonial Secretary. On its appearance, Mr. And, having given utterance to his objections, he continued: November 28th.

A little further on, by dint of much elbowing, we made our way into a crowded booth where, for the modest consideration of two sous per head, might be seen a Boneless Youth and an Ashantee King. The performances were half over when we went in. The Boneless Youth had gone through his feats of agility, and was lying on a mat in a corner of the stage, the picture of limp incapability.

But these Ashantee women were not worth garroting. Their fal-lals, precious to them, are worthless to us; the entire loot fetched only £11,000 of which sum the man who brought home the trinkets took a little more than four halves.

"True, I ab been slave but I a prince in my own country. Massa Easy tell how many skulls I have." "Skulls skulls do you know anything of the sublime science? Are you a phrenologist?" "I know man's skull very well in Ashantee country, anyhow." "Then if you know that, you must be one. I had no idea that the science had extended so far maybe it was brought from thence.

"Bring supper and wine immediately," said Mr Easy, giving an order such as the butler had never heard since he had been in the house. The butler quitted the room, followed by the Ashantee. "My dear boy my Jack I can make every allowance for hunger, it is often the cause of theft and crime in the present unnatural state of society but really you are too violent. The principles "

Workers in gold and ivory, in gems and talismans, in brass and fine linen and purple had done the marvels which those courtier adventurers brought with them over the sea, and to these, from year to year, had been added the treasure of private chests necklaces and coronals and hair-loops, bottles and vases of glass coloured with metallic oxides, and patterned aggry-beads, now sometimes found in ancient tombs on the Ashantee coasts.

Then the curtains were suddenly drawn back, and the Ashantee king crowned with a feather head-dress, loaded with red and blue war-paint, and chained from ankle to ankle bounded on the stage. Seeing the audience before him, he uttered a terrific howl. The front rows were visibly agitated. Several young women faintly screamed.