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La mort seroit trop douce en ces extremitez, Mais le scrupule parle, et nous crie, arretez; Il defend a nos mains cet heureux homicide Et d'un heros guerrier, fait un Chretien timide," &c. Do not imagine that I have translated Shakspeare in a servile manner.

"The official was moved, but said the law was strict, and the town must conduct the funeral unless she could find the sad courage to give the necessary instructions. With this he was going out, inexorable, when all of a sudden I observed something that sent my heart into my mouth, and I cried 'Arretez! so loud that everybody stared.

But old Louis, in the stern of the canoe, had taken hold of the slack and was pulling it in hand over hand. In a second he shouted "Arrêtez! Arrêtez! M'sieu, il n'est pas parti, il est la!" It was a most extraordinary affair. The spring of the flexible branch had been enough to keep the line from breaking.

Directly I sighted this queer game I said to myself 'Escaped Convict. I was as certain of it as I am of seeing you standing here this minute. So I spurred on straight at him. He stood his ground for a bit on a sand hillock crying out: 'Monsieur! Monsieur! Arretez! then at the last moment broke and ran for life.

Where am I? Miles from the Rue Haute! Conducteur! Arrêtez, s'il vous plaît." The Bruxellois felt very disheartened in the closing months of 1917. The Russian revolution had brought about the collapse of Russia as an enemy of Germany; and the Germans were enabled to transport most of their troops on the Russian frontier to the west and to the Italian frontier.

"Arretez!" said I. There was a pause, during which I regarded them all with a steady and somewhat stern gaze; a dog, if stared at hard enough and long enough, will show symptoms of embarrassment, and so at length did my bench of Belgians.

Everything, in short, about the store, the farm, the business of various descriptions being satisfactorily gone over, there was no occasion for farther delay. It was time to proceed. "Eh bien adieu! bon voyage!" "Arrachez, mes gens!" Then suddenly "Arrêtez! arrêtez!" "Comment se portent Madame Rolette et les enfans?"

This wild melody had been improvised by the group of painters, but revised and corrected by poet friends. Here it is: Oh! Peintres de la Dam' jolie, De vos pinceaux arretez la folie! Il faut descendr' des escabeaux, Vous nettoyer et vous faire tres beaux! Digue, dingue, donne! L'heure sonne. Digue, dingue, di.... C'est midi!

The wedding singers take their places, one on this side the bridal calèche, the other on that, and away it starts, creaking and groaning. "Mais, arretez! Stop, stop! Before going, passez le 'nisette! pass the anisette!" May the New-Orleans compounder be forgiven the iniquitous mixture! "Boir les dames avant! Let the ladies drink first!" Aham! straight from the bottle. Now, go. The calèche moves.

"How beautiful!" said I, looking the lady full in the face. "Comment?" said the lady inquiringly. "Il dit que vous etes belle comme un ange," said Francis Ardry emphatically. "Mais a la bonne heure! arretez, mon ami," said the lady to Francis Ardry, who was about to drive off; "je voudrais bien causer un moment avec lui; arretez, il est delicieux.