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Dagger's opinion to reinforce her own and Lady Merrifield's, and the Captain was obliged to give way so far as to consent to Magdalen, as he insisted on calling her, being allowed to remain at Arnscombe till after Easter, when her aunts were to fetch her to Coalham, there to send her to the kindergarten.

The little cheaply-built rows for workmen and fishermen had suffered much more severely, owing chiefly to the parents' callous indifference to infection. "Kismet," as they think it, said Jane Mohun, and still more to their want of care. Chills were caught, fevers and diphtheria ensued, and there was an actual mortality among the children at the works and at Arnscombe. Mr.

This could not be seen from Magdalen's territory, but from the highest walk in her kitchen garden, she could see the square tower of Arnscombe, her parish church; and on a clear day, the glittering water of Rockstone bay. To Magdalen it was a delightful view, and delightful too had been the arranging of her house, and preparing for her sisters.

Andrew's fulfilled to her mind, being handsome, reverent, and decorous in all the arrangements, while to the younger folk it was "all very well," but quite of the old times. Little did they know of "old times" beyond the quarter century of their birth! Poor old Arnscombe might feebly represent them, but even that had struggled out of the modern "dark ages."

"That is stuff and nonsense," said Mysie. "I have had a great deal of talk with Miss Prescott. She loves all the same books that we do. She is going to have G. F. S. and Mothers' Union, and all at poor Arnscombe, and she told me to call her Magdalen." With which proofs of congeniality Valetta could not choose but be impressed. Earn well the thrifty months, nor wed Raw Haste, half-sister to Delay.

Gillian forgot that Arnscombe, whose blunt gray spire protruded through the young green elms, lay in a little valley through which a stream rushed to the sea. The lane was not very steep, but there were loose stones. Bruno stumbled, he was down; the carriage stood still, and the two girls were out on opposite sides in a moment, Gillian crying out

I only know her as the sister of the girl that the Ivinghoes picked up." "She is the owner of a little property at Arnscombe, and has taken home her four young half-sisters to live with her, after having slaved for them as a governess till she came into this inheritance. She is an excellent person." "Ah! Was her house at Filsted?" "I am not sure. Yes, I think the young ones were at school there.

Sometimes he was on leave in my holidays, and you know we were at the depot afterwards, but I shall always feel that all that I have been able to do since has been owing to him. 'And how you will enjoy studying at Florence! 'Oh, think what it would be if I could ever do a reredos for a church! I keep on dreaming and fancying them, and now there really seems a hope. Is that Arnscombe Church?

'These are worse hills than at Silverfold, and I don't want you to come down by the sea-wall. 'I am sure I would not go there for something, among all the stupid people. 'If you keep to the turnpike you can't come to much harm with Bruno. 'That is awfully -I mean horribly dusty! There's the cliff road towards Arnscombe. 'That is safe enough.

"May I ask whether you are living here?" "Two miles off at the Goyle, at Arnscombe, with our sister." "So I heard! I shall see you again." And he turned aside to give an order, bowing as he did so. "Is he the artist of those sweet designs?" asked Sister Mena. "Did we not tell you?" "And now he is going to execute them? How delicious!" "I trust so! We must see him again.