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"Of course it is not a serious matter to give a sound beating to an officer of justice and six of his men," answered Aristarchi, "but it is not the custom here, and they suspect me of having done it. To tell the truth, I think I am hardly treated.

Laughing gaily he turned the key on the whole company, and he heard their answering laughter as he went away, for they accepted the jest, and continued playing. He entered the large room upstairs, just as Aristarchi had finished tying up the heavy bundle in the inner chamber.

Once in the laboratory at Murano, they will never find you. That is the one place where they will not look for you." The mate put his head down through the small hatch overhead. "I do not like the look of a boat that has just put off from Saint George's," he said. Aristarchi sprang to his feet. "Pick him up and drop him into the porter's skiff," he said.

Then she laughed cruelly, and with the back of her hand struck the lips that had so often touched her own. A few moments later Aristarchi had placed her in his boat, the heavy bundle of spoils lay at her feet, and the craft shot swiftly from the door of the house of the Agnus Dei. For Michael Pandos, the mate, had been waiting under the window, and a stroke of the oars brought him to the steps.

"But why should Captain Aristarchi care whether Zorzi were arrested or not?" asked Beroviero. "This the saints may know in paradise," answered Pasquale, "but not I." "Has the captain been here again?" asked Beroviero, completely puzzled. "No, sir.

The porter looked up in surprise, which increased when he caught sight of the ferocious face of the speaker. But he was not to be intimidated so easily. "Messer Angelo is not to be disturbed at his studies," he said. "If you wait till noon, perhaps he will come out to go to dinner." "Perhaps!" repeated Aristarchi, still hanging by his hands. "Do you think I shall wait all day?" "I do not know.

One, two and three in the back, the body to the canal, and the marriage would have been broken off." "Perhaps he does not wish it broken off," suggested Arisa, taking an equally amiable but somewhat different point of view. "He cannot marry the girl, of course but if she is once married and out of her father's house, it will be different." "That is an idea," assented Aristarchi. "Look at us two.

Then Aristarchi and his men paid the dealers their commission and took the money and the sword. But before he went from the house, the Greek captain begged leave to see Arisa once more at the grating, and he told her that come what might he should steal her away.

He is a mysterious individual, this Greek! So I was taken somewhere else in the bottom of a boat, after dark. I do not know where it was, but I think it must have been the garret of some tavern where they play dice. After midnight I heard a great commotion below me, and presently Aristarchi appeared at the window with a rope. He always seems to have a coil of rope within reach!

Thereupon he produced from his doublet a bright pair of shears, and knelt down by the wretched man's head. Contarini twisted himself as be might and tried instinctively to draw his head away. "I have heard that pirates sometimes accidentally cut off a prisoner's ear," said Aristarchi. "If you will not move, I am quite sure that I shall not be so awkward as to do that."