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The word 'fetish' is properly applied only to charms, philters, amulets, and all that genus. From this knot of huts and hovels we turn sharp to the east, or inland, and presently enter the Apatim or Bujiá concession, which has been leased for mining purposes to Mr. Irvine. There is a shorter road further north, but it is barred, we were assured, by a bad swamp.

After a restful sleep in the cool and pleasant air of Apatim, we proceeded to visit the valley east of the settlement, despite Sensensé's warning that the ground was 'fetish. He had made the same objection to M. Bonnat, his evident object being to keep the rich placer for private use or for further sale.

Like them we shall find the systematic dishonesty and roguery of the natives a considerable drawback; the fellows know good stone at sight and can easily secrete it. The cure for this evil will be the importation of labour, especially of Chinese labourers. At Apatim, the name of the district as well as the village, we were civilly received by the chief, Kwábina Sensensé.

We came home with the conviction that the Inyoko property should have been the second proposed for exploitation, coming immediately after the Apatim. Our reasons were the peculiar facilities of reaching it and the certainty that, when work here begins, it will greatly facilitate communication with 'Izrah. But progress is slow upon the Gold Coast, and our wishes may still be realised.

Grant to buy an exploring right of the Kokobené-Akitáki diggings. Their position as well as their quality will render them valuable: they will prove a second Apatim. We returned to Axim on February 19, after a short but very satisfactory trip which added much to our knowledge of the coast and its ways.

Shortly before reaching the Ahenia River we saw the landing-place for the valuable 'Apatim concession. They told me on enquiry that the stream is deep and has been followed up in a surf-boat for a mile or two. It may therefore prove of use to Mr. Irvine's property, Apatim. At half-past five that evening I reached Akankon, and slept well at 'Riverside House. Mr.

We returned to Axim with the highest opinion of 'Apatim, and I rejoiced to hear that the mine will be opened without delay. I spare my readers the slightest description of the troubles that attended our departure from Axim on January 31. Briefly, we began loading at dawn and the loads were not headed before 10 A.M.

His death, which occurred within a fortnight, is usually attributed to pleuro-pneumonia, but I rather think it was due to blood-poisoning. He had been exposing himself recklessly for some months, and two drenchings in the rain brought him to his end; yet there are people who remember his visit to the forbidden fetish-valley of Apatim.

I regret that this fine Apatim concession was not thrown into the market before the so-called 'Izrah. The distance from Axim to the mining-ground is so small that provisions and machinery could be transported for a trifle. The village lies 220 feet above sea-level; and a hillock in its rear, perhaps 80 feet higher, commands a noble view, showing Axim Bay: it could be used as a signal-station.

The next village was Edu-Kru, marked upon the maps 'Edu. We then passed over the dry bed of the Bujiá wady, which looked as 'fit' as the Impima; and, at about twenty-five yards north of the bed we breasted the rough ascent of the Apatim Hill. Here we turned to the right and found Mr. Grant's trial-shaft.