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They laughed at her and she flew into a rage. "If you weren't such a beggarly crew and had anything to bet, I'd wager you any money that I'd seduce any man I want in a week. In a week, do I say? In three days! Just name the man." Antonie quivered sharply and then sank with closed eyes, against the back of her chair. A dream of infinite bliss stole through her being.

But you have been very generous in your statements, one must acknowledge that. You have taken it very quietly, and seen your betrothed make love to another girl before your very eyes." Antonie nodded her head. She was greatly pleased to play the rôle of guardian angel, and she found no difficulty in so doing for her affection for Willibald had been very mild from the beginning.

He saw Antonie and Willibald daily, and noticed that they were much together and seemed to understand one another perfectly, so he did not concern himself much about them. In the meantime there had been much anxiety and alarm in the house of Dr. Volkmar.

The insight of the investigating judge had found in the girl's serving in the house and her apparent intimacy with its master a scent which he would by no means abandon. Only, because a few confirmatory details were still to seek, the suspicion was hidden not only from the public but even from its object. Antonie, however, ailed continually. She grew thin, her digestion was delicate.

They were now both on the fair way to have another pitched battle, when they were happily interrupted by the appearance of a young girl, the daughter of the house, who stepped out on the terrace at this moment. Antonie von Schönau could never be called beautiful, but she had her father's fine figure and a fresh, glowing face, with clear brown eyes.

Antonie von Schönau plighted her troth to her cousin, the heir of Burgsdorf. The young people had known their parents' plan for years, and were fully agreed as to its accomplishment.

There was nothing for me to do but to give back my lover his freedom." "Without asking us?" interposed her aunt. "No questions were necessary in this case," Antonie answered, quietly. "I cannot marry a man who declares to me that he loves another woman. So we dissolved our engagement without any further discussion." "Indeed, and I learn it now for the first time.

Calmly she touched his lips with hers. "You might have the announcement cards printed," he called cheerfully from the stairs. Then he disappeared.... "Is the new uncle gone?" Amanda asked. She was sitting in her little room, busy with her lessons. He had forgotten her. The mother nodded. "Will he come back soon?" Antonie shook her head. "I scarcely think so," she answered.

Then, in God's name, go! " said Father Antonie "And may God be with you in all. I'll give you letters to Father Canisius, the Provincial in Augsburg, and to Father Francis Borgia, the General, who is in Rome." Then Stanislaus was happy. At last he was in a fair way to obey the command of God, which our Lady herself had brought him.

It was at this time that Antonie showed her sincere, unobtrusive attachment to her childhood's friend. Day after day she went to the Volkmar cottage, to comfort and cheer Marietta, who hung in an agony of anguish and suspense over her grandfather's bed. Willibald found it necessary to go with his cousin and do what he could.