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'Poor wee lassie, said Annaple; 'there's great excuse for her, for the food has not yet been invented that suits her ladyship. 'You must come and consult nurse. 'And how are you all? I'm glad you are at hand, Nuttie! Is Mr. Egremont better? 'As well as ever he is lame and altogether an invalid, but he has not had such bad attacks of pain lately. 'And his eyes? 'About the same.

There was a silence, then Annaple said: 'Give up the umbrellas! Oh! What do you think, Mark? 'My father wishes it, said Mark. 'He would, as he had promised to do, make over to me my share of my own mother's fortune, and that would, I have been reckoning, bring us to just what we had thought of starting upon this spring at Micklethwayte.

I would send you back in the evening. Mark could come on after his business is done. 'Thank you, Nuttie, I can't to-day for a whole heap of domestic reasons; but, if you can get Mark to come, do, it would be so good for him. 'How is Mark? 'He is well, quite well, said Annaple; 'and so good and patient.

So that very evening, while Nuttie only ventured on sharing with Annaple the glad tidings that Mr. Dutton was accepted, and in his marvellous goodness, undertook to make his home with her father. Mark was almost stunned by the news, confirmed to him by Mr.

'There are some men who are always wanting fresh starts, said Mr. Egremont, 'just as there are some vessels that are always unlucky. And if you observe, it is just those men who are in the greatest haste to hang an expensive wife and family round their necks. 'I don't think poor Annaple can be accused of being expensive, papa, said Nuttie.

He is not so young but that he could make himself known, and those advertisements are so widely spread. I am sure poor Nuttie would be more at rest if she could give up hope. 'I did not tell you before, Nan, but Dutton was going to-day to look at a poor little unclaimed child's body that had been found in the Thames. He knew him better than I, so he went. 'He would have come if said Annaple.

I know Mark thinks so. 'When the women of a family acquit a woman it goes for something, said Annaple. 'That's not original, my dear, I heard old Lady Grosmede say so to Janet when she was deliberating over the invitation, "For a good deal more than Mr. Mark's, at any rate." 'Mark is very fond of her the mother, I mean.

Mark listened resignedly, Annaple with an intelligence that made Mr. Dutton think her the more clearheaded of the two, though still she could not refrain from her little jokes. 'I'm sure I should not mind how liquid we became if we could only run off clear of Goodenough, she said. 'You know what it means? said her husband. 'Oh yes, I know what it means. It is the fine word for being sold up.

They were mounting all the time, and were received in the day nursery by the old Rectory nurse, much increased in dignity, but inclined to be pathetic as she inquired after 'Mr. Mark, while Annaple, like a little insensible being, answered with provoking complacency as to his perfect health, and begged Mrs. Poole to bring Master Alwyn to play in the garden at Springfield with her Willie.

Dutton's love of perfection was not self-indulgence, was content to accept this as high approbation, and a good augury for Mark and Annaple. Indeed, with Mr. Dutton settled near, and with the prospect of a daily walk from church with him, she felt such a complete content and trust as she had not known since she had been uprooted from Micklethwayte.