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He published many sermons and lectures, and was well known as a successful organizer and an eloquent preacher. He died in 1885. Resigned, and died, 1906, and was buried at S. Martin's, Canterbury. The names and dates of the earlier bishops are taken from Bishop Stubbs' "Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum." It is now an unwritten law that the Bishop of Ely should be a Cambridge man.

The modern dignity of honorary canon was created in order that all other cathedrals might have a body of clergy corresponding to the prebendaries of the ancient cathedrals. He is called, in Bishop Stubbs' "Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum," Herve le Breton. Quoted by Bentham, p. 187. Of Peterborough, in his "Musæ Subsecivæ." Bentham, p. 213. Ltd.

"Presbyterianos Septentrionales, qui sunt terribiles potatores, Cyathi dicti sunt faceres, et dimidium Cyathi hæf-a-glessus. Dimidium Cyathi verò apud Metropolitanos Hibernicos dicitur dandy." "En verbum Anglicanum!" says the Pope, clapping his hands, "leporem te fecisti"; as much as to say that he had made a hare of himself.

According to Way, Promptorium Parrulorum, p. 506, note, the Catholicon Anglicanum has "A turfe grafte, turbarium." Grafte is here evidently the same word as the A.-S. grafa, and the Danish Torvegraf, a turf-pit, confirms this opinion.

In each of these is a figure or a scriptural scene. The orphreys, or straight borders which go down both fronts of the cope, are decorated with heraldic charges. Much of the embroidery is raised, and wrought in the stitch known as Opus Anglicanum. The effect was produced by pressing a heated metal knob into the work at such points as were to be raised.

It is easier, for example, to talk of Opus Anglicanum than to say precisely what it was, further than that it described work done in England; and for that we have the simple word English. There is nothing to show that mediæval English work contained stitches not used elsewhere. The stitches probably all come from the East. Nomenclature, then, is a snare.

His first publication was Hymnale Secundum Usum Sarum. In 1858 appeared Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum, a calendar of English bishops from Augustine; and then followed ed. of several Chronicles in the Rolls Series. The learning and critical insight displayed in these works commanded the attention and admiration of historical scholars both at home and on the Continent.